
Aug 07, 2007 18:51

Title: Chapter 3: Family

Rating: PG
Author: Stealthdragon44

Spoilers: Season 1-2

Disclaimer: All character belong to Tim kring & NBC

Characters: Nathan' family, Bennett family, Mohinder, matt, molly, kaito
Authors Note: Thanks DH_Serenity for her Input
Summary: (Nathan visits his wife while , peter and mohinder warns the others of Sylar. As of Claire she continues too blame herself for her peter, and Nathan absent when she gets an unexpected visit from someone. )

Chapter 3 : Family
 Petrelli Residence

Nathan returns to his wife as he begins to tell his wife everything, about Claire and his power, and about peter. She seemed stressed and thrilled he was back but to hear this nonsense was making her uncomfortable. Nathan knew she wouldn’t understand any of this unless he proved it to her. To prove all of this to her he stood before her as his feet lift off the ground. Her expression was more of a shock then scared.

She didn’t say much she just sat there staring at him for a moment before his feet gently touch the ground again. Heidi got up and embraced him in a hug as she tried not to get freaked out by what she just saw. At first Nathan thought she would run out, take the kids and never look back.

How did this happen. She asked. I don’t know, I just noticed a couple months ago I had develop this ability, he said. He stared back at her hoping she would say something.

Heidi, I know what your thinking. Your probably going to say that this changes everything but it doesn’t have to. We can still be a normal family, Nathan said.

Heidi stared down as she wanted to run, but she couldn’t. She thought of her kids and the love that her and Nathan shared. She did want to leave at one point but she could never leave; she loved him too much.

She looked back up at him as she glanced him a smile. You know the kids miss you a lot, Heidi finally said. I know they do, Nathan smiled, as he was relieved, just to hear her say something. Heidi leaned over as she wraps her arms around Nathan neck as he hugged her back. Nathan smiled as they stayed embrace for a while.

Flashes of a month ago came back to him as he thought about peter and his mom. He never knew how closed he came to death. He knew it was a dumb thing to do but he couldn’t leave peter to blow up New York. He would never for give himself and peter would never for give him. His family met more to him then anything more then what his own mother would do.

He didn’t even what to see her again. Not after all these years she knew about Claire and she didn’t tell him. How could his own mother be capable of such manipulation, he thought.

But everything changed when he heard his daughter say those few words the night peter exploded.

“The future is not written in stone”.

Mr. Nakamura Residence

Mohinder sat at his desk, as he looked at all the names on the list. He’s been sitting at his desk for two hours trying to call everyone that was on his list. He was surprised at first at all the people he called. Not a single one hanged up on him. He was on the last name to call, when the door open up. Kaito, How are you? Mohinder asked. Good, just wanted to know how are things progressing? He asked.

Everything is going fine actually. Not a single person hanged up on me. Which was actually weird, mohinder said.

Well, maybe they realized they wanted help, Kaito said.

Mohinder had this strange feeling that Kaito wasn’t telling him everything he should. But kept it to him self.

There was a sudden knock as Matt suddenly walked in. Matt, it’s been awhile, mohinder said, as he was shock to see him out and moving around.

I though you would be in the hospital still, mohinder said. No, I guest I was really lucky, that night, Matt said.

Matt suddenly turned as he seen molly running toward him. Matt leaned down as he gave her a big hug. Molly you’re growing up fast. How have you been, matt ask? Good since my hero is here, she said. Matt laughed as he moved her hair out of her face.

I’m glad your ok, matt said. Will you always protect me, molly asked? Of course I will, matt said.

Always, molly said. “Always”, matt said.

Molly walked over by the coffee stand as she seen a map on the stand. She sat down as she stared at the map for a minute. Kaito walked over as he sat by her.

Do you think you can help me find my son, Kaito asked? I don’t know. I think I need to see a picture of him thro, she said.

Kaito took a picture frame from the end table and hand it to molly. Molly picked it up as she stared at it for a second. She closed her eyes as she tried to locate him but soon open up her eyes. I do not see him here at all. Nowhere. It’s like he not in this time period. She said.

Kaito looked at her as he had a bad feeling this would happen. So what are you going to do, Mohinder said. I guest I’m going have to wait, Kaito said, frustrated.

While mohinder looked at the last name to call “Gabriel Gray”.

Los Angeles, California

It has been a month now since she hasn’t heard anything about her uncle or her Biological father. This frustrated her so bad that she couldn’t do anything to try to find them. She knew peter was alive but her father. She blamed herself at times that it was her fault that her father might be dead. If only she could of pull the trigger a month ago. The bomb wouldn’t have gone off and Nathan wouldn’t have to fly peter to the sky to safe her and everyone else.

How could her life be such in turmoil, she thought. She finally found her real family and then things turn to the worse and now they might be gone and maybe forever. She didn’t know what to believe anymore.

She quietly walked to the back of her house, trying not to tear up again. She walked to the garden as her mother was still inside cooking as her dad; Noah was getting ready to leave for work.

She barely had time to go outside much. Her father was still afraid that Sylar was still alive since they didn’t find a body. He always told her to keep a look out.

She finally got the thoughts out of head of Nathan dead somewhere and walked quietly around the garden as she tried to sneak over to her boyfriend’s house that was just across the street. He was the only other person she could talk to right now. She was just walking past the edge of her house when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

Flash backs came to her as she remembered the man who killed Jackie and blaming herself again for her death. She could never get the image out of her head as Sylar turned around to see her face heal and to see those dark eyes stare back at her in envy.

She came back to her senses as the person turned to face her. “Oh my god…” Claire screamed as she greets him with a huge hug.
“Claire!” The man said, with a gigantic smile on his face.
“Peter” Your alive, she shouted in joy. I thought I would never see you again, she cried. Peter moved his hand threw her hair as he kissed her forehead. He stared at her as he wiped the tear from the cheek.

How, she proclaimed, as she stared at him. It’s a long story, peter said. How about…. Nathan, she said barely. He’s alive Claire and fine. You don’t have to worry, ever again, he said. Peter smiled, as he was happy to see her face bright up again.

Bennett opens the door as he looked over to see Claire talking to someone. Claire, he shouted. Peter turned as he walked over as Claire followed.

Peter, your ok, Noah said, with shock. Peter walked over as he shook his hand. It’s been awhile, Noah said. Yes, it has. How is the shoulder, peter ask. It’s better now, Noah, said.

Claire, her mom shouted. Claire rolled her eyes as she walked toward the house. Be right there, mom, she said. Well, you’re not leaving so soon are you, Claire asked? No I’ll be here for an hour, peter said. Claire smiled as she headed to the house.

I know all of this is sudden but I need you and Claire to come to New York with me, peter said. Why, Noah said. An old friend wants to see you, Mr. Nakamura, peter said.

Noah smiled friendly as he knew the name well, but didn’t know if this was the right choice. He certainly did not want to put Claire in any more danger but he didn’t want to refuse to go see Kaito. After all he is the one who gave him Claire.

I guest I could, Noah said. Do you know want this is about, Noah said. It’s about Sylar and someone else, peter said. Is he alive then, Noah asked? Apparently, he is and we’ll just trying to warn the others, peter said

I had a bad feeling he was still alive, Noah said. I wander how in the hell did he survive, peter said in anger. I don’t know, He’s like a cockroach that won’t die apparently, Noah said. I wander how many other powers did he achieve this past month, peter said.

I don’t even want to think about it, Noah said. As he remembered what happen to his wife and to Claire. If I find him again, I will kill him, Peter said. He’s not that easy to kill, Noah said. I know, peter said.

I have a bad feeling about this trip to New York, Noah said. What could possibly go wrong? I’ll be there and Kaito has his bodyguards there. Peter proclaimed.

True, but a lot could happen till now and then, Noah said.


Comments Please, will gladly appreciate it!!

character: claire bennet, author: dream_infinity0, character: heidi petrelli, character: molly walker, character: kaito nakamura, character: peter petrelli, character: nathan petrelli, character: mrs. bennet (sandra), rating: pg, character: matt parkman, character: mr. bennet (hrg/noah)

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