
Aug 05, 2007 13:47

Title: Chapter 2: Company

Rating: PG
Author: Stealthdragon44 & dhfan_serenity

Spoilers: Season 1-2

Disclamier: All character belong to tim kring & NBC

Characters: Kaito Nakamura and most characters from season1
Authors Note: Thanks DH_Serenity for being my beta.

Summary: ( Kaito Nakamura, Hiro's father is in charge of the company now as Mohinder starts working for Kaito. Things start get more complicated then usual. As sylar might still be alive.)

Chapter 2- Company

***Somewhere in New York City***
One Month Later
Mr. Nakamura Residence

After the explosion and the death of Mr. Linderman, Hiro’s father Kaito Nakamura took over after a heated discussion with Mrs. Petrelli. But he won and took over as President over the Company. He was not like Mr. Linderman, who tended to solve his problems by sending hit men after people. No, Mr. Nakamura decided to change the company, turn it around and help the special gifted people. Very few people knew of his power. The only people that knew were Noah Bennett, Angela Petrelli, and Mohinder Suresh. After the explosion Kaito tried to find his son Hiro but there was no sign of him, it was almost as if he had disappeared into thin air. He had run into Mohinder and Molly and had told the geneticist who he was and asked about his son. Mohinder was only able to tell him that Hiro had teleported right before slamming into a building Sylar had him flying towards. After several weeks Mr. Nakamura had Mohinder and Molly sent over to his residence to talk about his Dr Suresh’s research. He wanted Mohinder to work for him and after a long argument about whether or not he could trust Mr. Nakamura Mohinder agreed to the man’s proposition as long as Molly could stay with him. Mr. Nakamura agreed and after shaking his hand stepped closer to Mohinder.

“You can call me Kaito,” he said.

Mohinder smiled and Molly grabbed hold of Mohinder hand, firmly holding it as if Mohinder had already become her father in a way.

“You both can stay here if you wish. The mansion has enough rooms,” Kaito nodded, his face as usual showing no expression whatsoever.

“I suppose we could stay,” Mohinder said, nodding as if still trying to convince himself any of this was actually happening.

“There are two rooms upstairs on your right that already prepared and once you get settled I’ll need you both to help me locate my son Hiro,” Nakamura said.

“What about Peter and Nathan?” Mohinder asked.

“They are already here,” the little girl holding Mohinder’s hand suddenly said.

Mohinder looked at her funny, raised an eyebrow and asked her how she knew.

“They are right behind you,” she said, carelessly pointing at a point behind him.

Mohinder turned around but saw nothing until he saw Peter and Nathan appear out of nowhere. Peter must have teleported them both there.

“Peter. Nathan. You’re alive,” Mohinder smiled, relieved to see both brothers unharmed.

“Yes, we have been away for a while. We just came back,”

“How did you survive?” Mohinder asked, astonished to see not a single scratch on either men.

“Well, I fell into the ocean and regenerated back together I guess,” Peter said, throwing his pony back, but rebelliously it found it’s way back to blurring his sight.

“I just flew away as far as I could when Peter exploded,” Nathan said.

“I’m just shocked that my father’s research is going to mean something. I am actually going to finish this and find others like you,” Mohinder said.

“I knew you would. It is what was supposed to happen,” Kaito said, nodding slightly.

Not knowing what he meant, but by now used to not understanding a thing the man said Mohinder just smiled and glared away.

“I have arranged a meeting with the people you have found on the list to meet with us this afternoon,” Kaito said.

“Do you think that it is safe?” Mohinder asked, shocked that everything was suddenly taking on the feeling of a rollercoaster.

“Why wouldn’t it be?” Kaito asked.

“Because Sylar could still be alive, they didn’t find his body, it’s almost like he fell off the face of the earth,” Mohinder said, more anger in his words than he had planned on.

“We will worry about that if he shows up,” Kaito said.

Nathan & Peter stared at each other, hoping that Sylar was dead and would never show his face again. Molly stood frozen, and she seemed to go into a trance. Mohinder stared at Molly when her face suddenly went white almost as if she has seen a ghost.

“Molly what’s wrong?” Mohinder asked worried.

“He is not dead,” Molly said.

“Who’s not dead?” Mohinder said.

“The boogie man… He’s back with someone else stronger and more evil,” she said, her young little voice trembling in fear.

“Who?” Mohinder said.

“I don’t know but every time I try to see him I just see his eyes staring right back at me.”

“Is this the man you were talking about that was worse than Sylar?” Mohinder said.

Molly just stared at him scared as she finally opened her mouth.

“Yes,” Molly whispered.

Mohinder stared back at Peter and Nathan knowing what they had to do!!

“We must warn the others!” Mohinder said.

Comments please

author: dream_infinity0, character: nathan petrelli, character: molly walker, character: kaito nakamura, rating: pg, character: peter petrelli, character: mohinder suresh

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