Title: Who's in Charge Here?
Rating: PG-13 for suggestive themes (slash! underage! bestiality!)
Characters/Pairing: DOGPYLE (aka Mr. Muggles/Peter/Lyle... I wish I were kidding)
Disclaimer: If I owned any of it, I'd be doing a lot more "interesting" things than writing fic. And spoilers (if there are any) up to Fallout, I guess.
Summary: Honestly, no words can describe other that "WTF?" I don't even know what the hell is going on here. Except that Mr. Muggles channels Sylar.
A/N: I KNOW IT IS TERRIBLE. It's unbeta'ed because there honestly wouldn't even be a point to it.
It's also total crack. (
In all actuality, neither one of them knew how they had landed in their current position. )