"Shattered Lies," Mohinder/Molly, PG-13 (1/1)

Jun 24, 2007 16:01

Title - Shattered Lies
Author - lostdreamer56
Rating - PG-13-ish, general ideas
Pairing - Mohinder/Molly
Challenge - heroes15 11. Promise
Spoilers/Warnings - Up through 1.23 "How to Stop an Exploding Man," An AU take on 1.20 "Five Years Gone" where Mohinder doesn't betray the president; future!fic
Summary - She should hate the man he has become while she mourns the man he was, but the only thing she can find in her heart is to love him.
Disclaimer - I don't own a thing! It all belongs to Tim Kring&company at NBC.
A/N - This fic has been nearly a month in the making, and I finally think it may be passable, but who knows? Not I.

Shattered Lies

rating: pg13, character: molly walker, pairing: mohinder/molly, character: mohinder suresh, author: lostdreamer56

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