Fic: Cherished, Nathan/Peter/Heidi

Jun 07, 2007 01:20

Title: Cherished
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Nathan/Peter, Peter/Heidi, Nathan/Peter/Heidi
Spoilers: No, pre-series
Disclaimer: Not mine, no money being made
Warning: Peter and Nathan are brothers. Fictional brothers invovled in an incestual relationship.
A/N: Thanks to slashyme for the beta duties.

Summary: Heidi discovers what it means to be married to Nathan.

Heidi stood in the doorway, unable to move. Two weeks after their honeymoon and she walked in on this: one dim light shone on the two men in her bed, hers and Nathan’s bed. She covered her mouth, overwhelmed with emotion.

Nathan had his back to the door, busy kneeling behind his brother. Peter gasped quietly and oh god, they way they moved, how comfortable they were with each other; she could tell that they’d done this before. There was no way this was something new. Who was this man that she’d married?

Nathan was talking, murmuring really, but she couldn’t hear the words. The tone was rough and demanding; he’d sounded like that with her a few times and deep down she’d enjoyed it. Most of the time he was so nice and gentle, so considerate. She flinched when both of their bodies moved faster. Her body felt strange, too tight and too warm. She needed to walk away, but could only watch as her new husband slammed into his brother over and over before he growled and froze.

Her coat fell and just like that she was pinned by two pairs of eyes. Peter’s hazel eyes looked satisfied and lazy while Nathan’s eyes held lust and fascination. They didn’t say anything and amazingly, she felt like the intruder. Her throat grew thick and closed as Nathan pulled away from Peter. As her husband got off the bed her eyes flickered down and she saw that he wasn’t wearing a condom. She pressed back against the doorframe as he approached.

“I-I got back early.” She knew it was a stupid thing to say, but it was the first thing that came to her.

Nathan stood in front of her and her brain yelled for her to run, to get out of there. This was wrong and dirty and she took a step, ready to bolt. Peter’s hand on her arm stopped her. She hadn’t seen him get up, but he stood beside Nathan, a sheet wrapped hastily around his waist.

“Hey, Heidi, hey, it’s okay. I know it’s a shock. Come over here.”

Heidi allowed herself to be pulled over to the bed. The sheets were wrinkled and she smelled sex and sweat. Them.

Peter let her go and sat next to her on the edge of the bed. She couldn’t see Nathan, but heard the bathroom door open. Fingers on her jaw pulled her attention back to Peter. She’d thought that she’d known enough about him, but this Peter was different. Gone was the easy smile, the laughter tinged with awkwardness.

“Peter? Wha…? I don’t…?”

A finger covered her lips. She closed her eyes.

“Shhh. It’s okay, Heidi. We planned to tell you. Nathan was going to wait awhile, then let you know.”

Heidi’s heartbeat finally slowed from the full gallop it had been at since she’d stopped in the doorway. She opened her eyes as Peter stroked her hair and smiled at her. Her world was falling apart as Peter continued talking, his voice quiet and calm, like she hadn’t just discovered him in her bed with his brother.

“Nathan cares for you. Don’t ever doubt that, okay? I’m just; I’m like stress relief. Nothing has to change. We don’t have to change, okay?”

She frowned. Peter’s voice was hypnotic and she slowly nodded.

Heidi was about to speak when Peter kissed her. It was a confident, firm kiss and she blamed shock and surprise for not stopping him. And for opening her mouth. He didn’t kiss like Nathan. Peter’s kiss was inviting her to become part of the club, to belong. Her thoughts were in a jumble and Peter’s mouth only confused her more. She pulled away, but froze as Nathan sat behind her. A hand on her back pushed her towards Peter again.

“Kiss her again.”

Peter kissed her while Nathan unbuttoned her shirt, his fingers careful and deliberate. Heidi shivered and knew that Nathan went slow because she was very close to jumping up and running away. The kiss became wetter and messier and Heidi drifted in some sort of fog. Her shirt and bra disappeared and Nathan’s thumbs brushed across her nipples. She felt lightheaded and pulled away from the kiss.

Peter kissed her jaw, while Nathan kissed the back of her neck; her husband’s touch familiar and something to cling to. They continued to kiss her while she sat there and gasped and shuddered. Nathan pulled her further onto the bed and rested her shoulders on his chest. She leaned against him only to cry out when Peter started to lick and suck her breasts, his tongue dragging softly across her nipples. She shook her head and Nathan touched her jaw. She turned to look at him and opened her mouth as he leaned in to kiss her.

One of his hands slid past the top of her skirt and into her underwear. She let out a small gasp as fingers touched her, playing with the wetness they found. Peter’s hands joined Nathan’s and with a few tugs she was naked. She moaned uncontrollably as Peter rubbed her clit, his mouth still busy on her breasts.

Heidi blinked when Peter raised his head and looked past her at Nathan to ask,
“Can I?”

Nathan’s other hand reached out and brushed hair out of Peter’s face. “Yes.”

Heidi only had moments to wonder what they were talking about. Peter sat up and gripped her waist. A few shifts of their bodies and he lay between her legs, kissing her again as he thrust into her body. Her eyes widened in shock and reluctant pleasure as her husband’s brother began to fuck her. She squirmed as his cock pushed inside her over and over. Someone whimpered and she realized that it was her. Peter felt different from Nathan, but he still sent jolts of longing to every nerve in her body. He stopped kissing her, but his hips kept pumping.

His mouth grazed one of her ears. “I told Nathan you were the one. I saw you first and told Nathan to go and talk to you.”

He lifted one of her thighs and Heidi lifted the other to wrap both around his hips. She felt like she was in a trance. She turned her head and Nathan lay there beside them, his eyes greedily watching every move.

Heidi wanted to shake her head in denial. She wanted to go back and stay at her book club meeting and not find this out about her husband and brother-in-law. Her body shook as Peter sped up and pounded into her. Nathan leaned in and kissed her, swallowing her moan as she came. Peter continued to thrust for a few minutes until he stilled and came with a groan.

Nathan stopped kissing her to share a kiss with him. It was all too weird and wrong and just too much.

“This is too much. I-I can’t deal with this.” She pushed at Peter and he pulled out of her and moved. She scooted off the bed and didn’t look at them as she headed for the bathroom. Once inside, she stared at the closed door, but didn’t lock it. What would be the point? She turned on the shower and stepped into hot water. She felt Peter’s semen slick and slippery on her thighs and scrubbed anxiously, like she had to hide the fact that she’d just committed adultery. But had she? Her husband had been right there. He’d encouraged it.

Heidi stayed in the shower until the hot water ran out. She dried off and took a deep breath. She didn’t know what was going to happen next, but she couldn’t stay in there forever. She looked around hopefully. It was a big bathroom, but no, she couldn’t live here so she didn’t have to see her husband. What would she do if they were both in the bed?

She wrapped a towel around herself and opened the door, hesitantly, peeking out. The low light was still on, but only Nathan lay in the bed. She ignored him as she dressed in dark blue silk pajamas she’d gotten from a girlfriend as a wedding present. She turned off the light and pulled the covers back.

The bed was warm, the sheets fresh and she wondered who’d changed them. She was proud that she didn’t flinch when Nathan wrapped a hand around her waist and moved closer.

He kissed the back of her neck and murmured, “Night, honey.”

Heidi slept, waking only once as Nathan shifted in his sleep. Morning came too quickly and she woke and couldn’t go back to sleep. She turned to look at her sleeping husband. Should she wake him up? They needed to talk about what had happened.

She decided to wait and got up, telling herself that she was not escaping the confines of her own bed. Downstairs, she paused in the kitchen doorway. It was a Saturday and they gave Maria those days off unless there was a special occasion.

Peter stood by the stove, cooking eggs and bacon. He wore a faded t-shirt and blue jogging pants. She felt her heart start to beat faster and remembered the words that Peter had whispered in her ear. Before she could decide what to do, Peter spotted her and smiled.

“Good Morning.” He gestured at the stove. “Want some breakfast?”

She shook her head. “No, no thank you.”

She opened the fridge and took out a carton of milk. Then turned on the coffeemaker.

“Did you sleep well?”

Heidi frowned at the question, but Peter wasn’t leering at her or smirking. He sounded like he was really curious. But after last night, what did she know?

“Yes, fine. Thank you.”

Even in the middle of what Heidi considered a major crisis, she was still polite. She decided to bring up last night. Peter might be easier to get answers out of than Nathan.

“Last night was a one time thing, right?”

She blushed at her blunt question but couldn’t take much more of the whirlwind of thoughts that plagued her.

Peter turned the stove off and arranged everything on a plate before he answered her. “That’s up to Nathan.”

He smiled at her like he was giving her bad news. She had to wonder about him and Nathan now. She’d met Peter shortly after she and Nathan had started dating. She’d thought that Nathan was a very good big brother. She’d imagined that Peter had found it hard growing up in the shadow of someone like Nathan and the rest of the Petrellis didn’t help much. She and Peter had had a few talks and she genuinely liked him. She took a deep breath.

“Peter, how long have you and Nathan been doing things like I saw last night?”

He flashed her an incredibly young smile and Heidi’s stomach tightened. What type of family had she married into?

“Nathan can answer any question’s you have, Heidi.”

She nodded at the soft smile he gave her, like he really wanted to tell her, but had been told not to. He probably had, knowing Nathan.

Heidi tensed as Nathan walked into the kitchen. He was wearing a pair of beige chinos and a casual button down shirt so light blue it was almost white. He was barefoot and smiled at her as he ruffled Peter’s hair. “I’m sure Heidi has a lot of questions. Any more breakfast?”

Peter gestured at the stove and Heidi realized that he’d fixed Nathan something too.

Nathan sat down and Heidi watched as the brothers talked in between eating. She felt ignored, but wondered if last night hadn’t happened, would she still feel like that? She was getting a headache. She sipped coffee and watched the back and forth between Nathan and Peter. They argued, laughed and argued again.

“Peter, give us some privacy,” Nathan said.

Peter nodded and collected his and Nathan’s empty plates. He dumped them in the sink and gave Heidi a smile.

Heidi gave him an uncomfortable smile and finished her coffee. She got up and retrieved some yogurt from the refrigerator. She swallowed a few spoonfuls before she looked at Nathan. “Was last night a one-time thing?”

She refused to look down as he studied her. She knew her face was probably red but that couldn’t be helped. Last night had been a heat-of-the-moment thing. As soon as Nathan admitted that, they could go back to normal.

“Do you want it to be?”

Heidi gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to shout.

“It was very unusual and not something I expected.” God, she hated when he played games. It wasn’t something that he did often with her, but she’d seen him in action with other people and even then, it had made her wary.

“It wasn’t a one time thing, Heidi.” He sighed and Heidi knew that her husband had rehearsed the sigh and this entire conversation. Nathan had probably planned this entire conversation last night before he went to sleep.

“I care for you and I care for Peter. I’m all he has. I understand him in ways that no one else can. I know you think what you saw last night was wrong and immoral. It’s not.” His eyes focused on her with a bright intensity that reinforced all the whispers she’d heard about his brilliant future.

“You know I have things I want to accomplish, things that will take me away from you when it can’t be helped. There will be missed dinners, missed social functions, times when I won’t make it home because I’ll be at work proving myself over and over. Peter can be here when I can’t.”

Heidi blinked and guessed slowly, “So you want Peter to be my surrogate husband? Isn’t he a little young for that? What does he want?”

Her conscience asked her why she wasn’t objecting to this whole thing and calling the discreet divorce lawyer one of her bridesmaids had told her about, ‘“You know, just in case.”’

Nathan stood up and got more coffee. He handed her a cup, fixed just like she liked it. “Peter wants what I want, a strong family, one that can stand together through any crisis.”

He sipped his coffee and gave her the look that had first gotten her into bed. Even now with confusion and shock swaying back and forth in her head like she was on a boat, her body still reacted to Nathan. She tapped a nail against the rim of her cup and pointed out, “I could get a divorce.”

Gooseflesh erupted on her skin at the look Nathan gave her. Just like she’d heard whispers about Nathan’s ambition, she’d heard whispers about his family. Some said their family made their fortune in the bloody chaos of prohibition. The statement was always followed with a nervous giggle.

Nathan smiled and it was a cold, scary smile. “Petrelli’s don’t get divorces.” He got up and put his cup in the sink. She flinched when he placed his hands on her shoulders. He leaned down and continued, “We do, however, become widowers if necessary.”

He patted her shoulders lightly, and left the kitchen with a cheery; “I have some paperwork to do. We can talk more later.”

Heidi placed her cup in the sink and tried to control the trembling that threatened to take over her body.

Up in her room she paced back and forth. She felt powerless and she hated that. God, all her plans, her ideas of what marriage to Nathan would be like were crumbling at her feet. She was lost and saw no way out. A soft knock on her door made her jump. She was going crazy.

She opened the door to the only one in the house that would bother knocking, but not all the way. Peter didn’t smile but his face was calm, knowing. She wondered if Nathan had sent him to talk to her. Maybe he was supposed to make sure that she wasn’t packing her bags.

“Hey, Heidi, can I come in?” He looked so nice and innocent. Nothing like the young man she’d seen last night, seductive with desire coating his skin like water. She opened the door wider. He moved in and pushed the door mostly closed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and clasped his hands together.

“How are you doing with all this?” He seemed genuinely interested. She started pacing again.

“Did Nathan send you?”

He shook his head. “No, but I saw him stomp into his office and slam the door.” He smiled and something in Heidi’s chest loosened. He looked so young and carefree. She sat beside him and made a decision. She needed someone to confide in and Peter was the only other person that was caught up in the tornado that was her husband.

“He threatened me.” She swallowed past the huge lump in her throat. Peter’s look of concern made her want to cry.

“What’d he say?” She told him and he nodded. He squeezed one of her hands.

“He didn’t mean it, Heidi. Nathan’s just mad. He wants you, hell everybody, to just do what he says and to not question him. But when that happens, he gets mad that people don’t care enough to speak up.” He rubbed her hand and continued, “You’ll see. He’ll be up here in a few hours trying to apologize.” The smile he sent her was one that said they were now co-conspirators. “Make him take you out to dinner.”

She laughed and felt lighter, like everything wasn’t hopeless. Peter frowned.

“Heidi, if you can’t do this, you don’t have to. It’s a lot to take in. I wasn’t up there with you and Nathan saying vows, but I want you to know that you mean a lot to both of us.”

When he slowly leaned in, she didn’t move away. His lips were firm and coaxed her into kissing him back. Their tongues tangled and rubbed together and Heidi sighed in arousal. Things she didn’t notice last night, she noticed now. Like how long Peter’s fingers were in contrast to Nathan’s thick powerful digits. She undressed slowly and Peter looked at her like she was the best thing that had ever happened to him. She knew that wasn’t true, but liked it anyway.

Peter laid her on the bed and kissed her from head to toe, his hands busy everywhere. When they darted between her legs, she moaned. Fingertips rubbed lightly and she was surprised at how hot and slick she was. She hadn’t meant for this to happen but it was too good, the pleasure building and building until he slipped inside her and closed his eyes. Their hands tangled and his mouth licked a path from her breasts to her neck and back again.

Heidi came with a small, surprised whimper. Peter sped up and she kept her eyes closed as he came, his hips jerking and stopping, his mouth silently saying her name. They curled up on the bed together and Peter rubbed her shoulders until she fell asleep. When she woke up, Peter was gone and Nathan was just walking into the bedroom. He sat next to her on the bed and she found it strange that he didn’t mention the messy sheets or the mild beard burn she felt on her neck.

“I just want you to be happy, to have everything you deserve. Understand?” Nathan curled a hand around the back of her neck and kissed her forehead. Heidi thought that it was Nathan who wanted to be happy and have everything, but she nodded and smiled. They talked and she did as Peter had suggested and ended up with plans for a night out, just the two of them.

She’d slept with Peter again, so that was her answer to this entire situation. She would not run to some divorce lawyer, not because of Nathan’s threat, but because she had landed a handsome, talented man and no one was going to snicker at her behind their hands or feel sorry for her that she couldn’t keep a husband for even a few months.


Heidi thought they would have some routine, but it didn’t turn out that way. Some nights, Peter would join them for dinner and then either leave or spend the night in the guestroom. On these nights, Heidi was jumpy until she realized Peter actually intended to just sleep over. Other nights Peter would ask if he could give her a massage or talk and he slept with her and Nathan.

Those nights were wild and she didn’t think that she’d ever get used to more than two hands on her body or two sets of lips and tongues trying to drive her insane. One morning she finally admitted to herself that she loved feeling like a sex goddess when their hands skimmed over her body. She grew to love and crave the way Peter rubbed her breasts and thumbed her nipples as she rode him. It no longer made her nervous that Nathan watched them, a wicked and possessive smile on his face.

There were times when Nathan was away from home and Peter showed up to keep her company. Heidi began to realize what they had tried to tell her. It wasn’t just about sex. She was important enough that they’d let her in on a very important secret. She began to feel cherished and lucky that she had two men who tried to make her happy.

Some days she laughed at the thought of what her country club friends would make of her situation. But then, how was it any different than the women who grew bored and slept with their gardener or the pool guy? Hell, some of them even slept with their husband’s brother; just not at the same time, like she did.

The first few times Heidi had watched Nathan and Peter it made her nervous and embarrassed. Slowly, she discovered that it fascinated her and soon, watching them turned her on. Sometimes she liked to brush her hands across Peter’s chest as Nathan fucked him. Or she’d kiss Peter as sweat dripped from his body and Nathan told him that he couldn’t come just yet. They had a push and pull dynamic that captivated her.

In public, she learned how to act towards Peter and hoped that it worked. Their mother visited occasionally and Heidi spent hours wondering if she knew what her sons did, or that Heidi was now involved with them both. One day she tried to find out, inviting Angela over to talk about redecorating Nathan’s study and their kitchen. While they looked over paint colors and cabinets Heidi brought up Peter.

“I really think Peter loves staying here. I’m close to telling him the guest room is permanently his.”

Her mother-in-law nodded and pointed to set of cherry cabinets. “Yes, Peter and Nathan are close.” She looked at Heidi, and Heidi was taken aback at how sharp the expression in her eyes was. “I’m sure Peter feels that he’ll always be welcome in Nathan’s home.”

Heidi smiled. “Of course he will. I like having him here. Sometimes we have movie night if Nathan is late or out of town.”

The words were out before she thought about it. Once they were out, she worked hard to make sure that she didn’t look guilty in any way.

Angela smiled vaguely, but her eyes held the knowledge that she knew exactly what Peter was doing with Heidi. “That’s nice. Peter needs stability.”

Heidi wasn’t positive, but she was almost sure that she had as close an answer as she was going to get. She sighed and spent the rest of the afternoon talking about safer topics like desks and Persian rugs.

That night it was just her and Peter, though Nathan had called earlier and said he’d be back sometime before morning. In bed, Peter was at times worshipful and at other times, playful. Heidi liked both sides. Tonight he teased her as he held her hips so she couldn’t move and ride him like she’d been doing for the last ten minutes. She giggled and then gasped as he rose up to suck and nibble on her nipples.

The only warning she had was Peter’s hands tightening on her waist, as Nathan said, “Well, this is a very nice thing to come home to.”

Heidi turned her head and Nathan smirked before kissing her hard. She moaned and then murmured in pleasure as he kissed Peter. She felt tiny tremors inside her as Peter reacted to his brother’s kiss. They both greedily watched as Nathan stripped and climbed onto the bed. He knelt behind Heidi and kissed her again.

“I missed you. I missed you both so much.”

Heidi shivered at Nathan’s growled declaration. She rested her head on his shoulder as he cupped her breasts and his fingers expertly gripped and massaged every inch. He kissed the side of her neck while he slipped fingers into Peter’s mouth. Peter’s eyes were bright and he looked high.

High off Nathan, Heidi thought.

Did she look like that sometimes? Nathan radiated power and charisma, and it made being around him so exciting that it was like being drunk or on a very fast roller coaster. Sometimes both at the same time.

When a finger pressed into her ass, she flinched and gasped. Nathan didn’t stop and she had nowhere to go but further onto Peter’s cock. Nathan withdrew and quickly shifted to reach for a small bottle of lube. This was new. They’d tried a number of things but this, she’d never even dreamed of it. Nathan’s finger returned and slid in like it belonged. It didn’t hurt, but she squirmed. Shock made her open her eyes as Peter’s thumb flicked her clit. He did it again and she barely noticed Nathan adding another finger.

Fingers fucked her while Peter licked a wet trail from her collarbone to the underside of her breasts. Heidi didn’t pay attention when Nathan stopped, but she definitely noticed as he pressed his cock inside her. He rocked back and forth, each forward motion sliding more into her. Heidi couldn’t breathe. All she could do was moan and make little stuttering gasps. Nathan was all the way inside and he grabbed her hips. Heidi could feel them cover Peter’s hands.

Nathan soothed her and whispered to her, “Shhh, it’s okay. You feel so good. So hot. You can feel both of us, can’t you? I can feel Peter inside of you.”

He slid out a little before he pressed in again, and the feel of them both almost made her faint. She was so full, too full, and after a few fumbles they had a rhythm developed where Peter slid in and Nathan pulled back, then Nathan pushed forward and Peter withdrew a little. Heidi rolled her hips; her body busy absorbing the overwhelming pleasure that flowed through her.

It was a continuous loop that battered at her and she screamed as she came, nails digging into Peter’s chest. She floated, the feeling only seeping away when Peter arched his back and came with a quiet grunt. Nathan sped up and it felt odd when he came. He pulled out slowly and he and Peter helped her lie down. She was so sleepy and barely felt the warm washcloth.


The next morning she was tired and her body tingled in unexpected places, causing her to almost be late to a luncheon with her friends. They laughed and asked questions about Nathan and his prowess in bed. She gave them a few vague details, but there was no way she’d go on and on. Her friends talked to other people and soon their entire social circle would know about Nathan’s sexual habits and she didn’t want that.

Heidi knew women who were bored and might be tempted to pursue Nathan. Some of them only slept with married men like it was a game and she would not take that risk. Between her and Peter, she thought they kept Nathan pretty busy when his job gave him a break. Later that day, Heidi looked at the small round compact that held her birth control pills. She’d missed yesterday’s for some reason, and now she stopped to really think about the possibility of children with Nathan.

That night she asked him and he shrugged, answering, “I thought we’d wait at least a year. Did you want to start trying now?”

Heidi bit her bottom lip. “What about Peter?”

Nathan frowned.

Heidi made gestures with her hands. “You two don’t use condoms. When we start trying, will Peter still sleep with us?”

Nathan scrubbed at his eyes. “Yes.”

Heidi thought Nathan was being dense on purpose. “So what if I end up pregnant by him? What then?”

Nathan smiled at her like she was the dense one. Maybe she was. He kissed her and ran his hand through her hair as he replied, “They’ll still be Petrellis and that’s all that matters.”

Heidi kissed him and they talked about mundane household things before they went to sleep. Heidi had what many would say was the ‘American Dream.’ If they knew the truth, they’d change their minds and think she was condoning and participating in an immoral and sick relationship.

Would she have been better off never knowing about Nathan and Peter? If they’d decided to just keep sleeping together whenever they could, before Nathan came home to her? If they’d done that and she found out, she had no clue what she would have done; probably a big, messy divorce.

By catching them, Peter wasn’t her competition and all three of them shared a common goal for the foreseeable future. She felt important and treasured.

Nathan valued her, and that’s what she’d wanted since she’d met him. Along with Peter, their family would be able to stand against any thing or any one.

The end.

character: heidi petrelli, character: peter petrelli, pairing: nathan/peter, pairing: heidi/peter, rating: nc17, character: nathan petrelli, pairing: heidi/nathan/peter, author: kelly_girl

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