Resurrection pt 24

Apr 29, 2007 16:42

Title: Resurrection
Author: SLynn
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Matt/Audrey and Peter/Claire
Spoilers: Up to "Fallout"
Beta By: tripp3235
Disclaimer: I’m just borrowing and will return them all when I’m done, virtually untouched.

It wasn’t their destiny to stop an explosion. It was their destiny to stop him. Sequel to ‘Apocalypse’.

Oh man, this is taking forever! Let me explain. I wish I was one of those people that can set a timeline to write by and post regularly, but I'm not. I write when the inspiration strikes which is why some times you get like chapter after chapter, and others nothing for weeks. Sorry. I feel like if I tried to force it, it wouldn't be as good. That said, I've also been making some tough choices about this story that will be showing themselves in the next few chapters. I'll say I'm sorry now and hope I'm forgiven. As always, thanks for reading!

Previous chapters found here!

x-posted heroes_fic/paire_love/mattaudrey

Chapter 24!

character: claire bennet, pairing: claire/peter, rating: pg13, character: peter petrelli, pairing: audrey/matt, character: audrey hanson, author: slynn6776, character: matt parkman

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