The Cruel Uneventful State of Empathy (Part 2)

Apr 22, 2007 22:51

Title: The Cruel Uneventful State of Empathy (Part 2 of ?)
Fandom: Heroes
Author: Meli Parker
Word Count: 3186
Rating: R
Characters and Pairing: Peter/Nathan, Claire, Mrs Petrelli
Warnings: Angst, dark, gore, harsh language, incest, slash
Spoilers: Up to 18 (Later bits are slightly episode 19 Spoilerish from scenes online and pictures.)
Summary: Peter can't stop himself from feeling, Nathan and his mother both bring unexpected news.
Notes: Sequel/Prequel to In My Time of Dying. I wanted to post this before tomorrow's episode. Enjoy!

Peter wasn't feeling his own broken emotions; he was feeling everyone else's. )

character: claire bennet, character: angela petrelli, character: nathan petrelli, author: meli_64, rating: r, character: peter petrelli, pairing: nathan/peter

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