Tumblr Update for Heroes Reborn

Jun 28, 2014 11:01

Journey-Goddess on Tumblr posted an excellent compilation of Heroes Reborn resources. For those who don't know, the main Heroes tag to follow on Tumblr is 'primatech'. Here's what she posted, for your fanwork efforts:

**Since more updates will be posted after Heroes: Reborn begins I suggest you click back to the original post!**

If you have useful links to add to this list you can send me an ask and I’ll add it to the original post. I created this with Heroes Graphic Makers in mind since we are “reborn” and the fact we are in desperate need of ‘caps and galleries for our show. So as someone who constantly searches for these galleries/necessities, I thought it would be a good idea to share my findings with the rest of you! All the resources on this post should help you with a majority of your graphic making. (Though some resources will not work unless you have Adobe Photoshop and or GIMP!) Enjoy!

Photo & Screencap Gallery Sites:

Screencap Downloads (Semi/Complete Episodes):

Actions, Brushes, Textures, PNGs/Stock, PSDs & Etc:

Blogs dedicated to creating/supplying Heroes approved resources:

Heroes approved because lets be honest those blue scenes are hard as hell to neutralize

Useful and Insightful Photoshop Tutorials:

Other Photoshop Blogs of Interest:

Companions to this list:

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