2013 Heroes Advent Calendar Main Post

Dec 18, 2013 22:24

Here it is!

Below are the brave and wonderful folk who have offered to provide us with new Heroes fanworks to savor over these lovely holidays! At the end of each day, I will update this post with links and comment to it, so those who are tracking it can see that it's been updated. (Or if people find it more convenient for me to repost this every day, let me know in the comments.)

Here are our heroes!

December 25 - Meredithleon
December 24 - Means2bhuman
December 23 - Ryuosen
December 22 - Lament4death
December 21 - Gamebird
December 20 - Jaune_chat: "Iron Chef Heroes"
December 19 - Sarena2s: "Five of Noah Bennet's Most Awkward Christmases"

Pinch-hitter volunteer: Means2bhuman
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