Heroes Rewatch Update - Season 2 coming up!

Jul 27, 2013 02:03

Hey, Heroes fans,

THE SEASON 2 REWATCH BEGINS NEXT WEEK! THIS WEEK, PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT *HERE* BELOW DESCRIBING WHAT DAYS AND TIME(S) WORK FOR YOU in the upcoming months so we can work out a time to gather and watch together. (I apologize for the lateness - this is the third time trying to post this. Blame silly LJ).

In the meantime, we encourage everyone (even if you're not fully participating) to pretty please 'ADVERTISE' around the comms and to fellow fans. We love a full house, even if you just pop in for your favorite episodes or a favorite line! We'd absolutely love to have you for however brief a time.

Thank you in advance!

author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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