Heroes Season 1 Rewatch - Parasite

May 26, 2013 16:03

Heroes Season 1 Rewatch "Parasite"

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author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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Comments 30

game_byrd May 27 2013, 00:35:21 UTC
Ah, Memorial Day weekend. A three-day weekend with no D&D. Too bad I got a bit sun-scorched, but I'm not out of indoor tasks yet ( ... )


alexia_drake May 30 2013, 03:57:51 UTC
I like how he's strong enough to pick her up from the floor all by himself. And this was with Season 1 muscles. Rawr!

Mmm, true. I rewatched and paid more attention to the scene.


means2bhuman June 22 2013, 09:38:09 UTC
LOL! The girl's dead and we're focused on his muscles and corpse-carrying stats.


game_byrd June 22 2013, 14:33:50 UTC
We're horrible, aren't we? ::snicker::


game_byrd May 27 2013, 01:25:28 UTC
Interesting that Noah uses large block letters just like Peter does. They don't look like the same handwriting, though. I wonder if it's just because large block letters work better for TV ( ... )


alexia_drake May 30 2013, 04:53:42 UTC
Interesting that Noah uses large block letters just like Peter does. They don't look like the same handwriting, though. I wonder if it's just because large block letters work better for TV?

I'm pretty sure it's because it's more easy for us to read notes with large block letters.

This particular moment of Sylar putting the gun to his head perplexes me.

Yeah, not sure why he did that either...

"I've been known to eat zucchini when the mood strikes, but not as a rule." Terribly, terribly slashy, homoerotic comment there, Nathan.

LMAO Nice catch!

And it's funny that we both made fun of the scene where Sylar cut a lock of hair from Peter's hair! I swear, I wrote my comment before reading yours! lol


means2bhuman June 22 2013, 09:45:10 UTC
I know about that falll, right ( ... )


game_byrd June 22 2013, 14:47:36 UTC
they lack a lot of emotional self-awareness and as such they deny the existence of their emotions or repress them, but they emotions/feelings are still there and so they make their understanding/facts FIT their emotions which is why they're a little...'off.' Or maybe everyone does that, I dunno.I think everyone does that some, but part of becoming mature, adult, and self-aware is figuring out what's motivating yourself, admitting to it, and growing your perspective past your personal wishes so you're seeing things from other people's points of view. I find writing to be a great exercise for this ( ... )


alexia_drake May 30 2013, 03:56:34 UTC
Aww, poor Noah. *hugs him*

Matt really thought that Creepy!Eric Roberts would let him leave that easily. He should have listened to his thoughts! lol

I never noticed that Peter was really sniffing when he talked to Nathan about the death of Simone. Nice emotions there, Milo. *thumb ups*

LMAO @ the barking dogs as the ringtone of Sandra's phone!

Aww, the scene where Sandra is telling Noah that she knows everything up to Noah saying "I can never love you enough." and her "You're doing fine." is my favorite scene with them :D

"I like your hair." It's funny because I was thinking the same thing, that Sandra looked great with her hair like that.


alexia_drake May 30 2013, 04:46:19 UTC
I remember the first time I've watched this episode, I was surprised that Mohinder knew that 'Zane' was Sylar. And I was afraid for Sylar. lol

I used to love Hiro, but now I find him so annoying. Way too excited with everything and everyone. I was glad that Nathan shut him up.

"What's the matter sweetie, you wanna shoot me again?" Candice is such a Bitch :(

I loved how Sylar said: "Don't worry, you might actually do some good before you die."

Ah Noah! He should have guessed that it was not Sandra after they talked in the bathroom when her cell phone rang, it was a different ringtone! lol

I was sooo happy/surprised that Angela knew about Claire, and that she tried her best to protect her all this time!

Haha, I can't help but laugh when Linderman says that Nathan cannot have some of his pie when he sees the gun.

Sylar, how dare you to cut Peter's hair?! lol But seriously, that was an evil ending.


means2bhuman June 22 2013, 09:47:01 UTC
Same here! I still wonder when or how Mo figured it out! I like that they didn't answer it but at the same time, I wanna know. Any theories?

Season 1 is definitely the highlight of sassy!Sylar.

LOL - evil ending because Peter's hair got hurt.


alexia_drake June 22 2013, 15:22:55 UTC
Well, I guess Mohinder knew for sure that it was Sylar when he saw the article mentioning that Zane had been found dead in his kitchen. But maybe he knew it right away when he met Sylar at Zane's house after he talked, since the real Zane had left a message on the phone of Mohinder's father. He might have noticed already that the voice/pronounciations was different...

Haha, the evil ending was because we did not know if Sylar would end up killing Peter or not. I was so afraid that any of them would have been killed in the following episode, since Peter & Sylar have always been my favorites :D


means2bhuman June 22 2013, 09:36:02 UTC
I need to remember this - Peter had someone (two, actually - Nathan in S2) die on him, in his arms, he watched them die ( ... )


game_byrd June 22 2013, 14:53:41 UTC
Yeah, the 'why didn't you memorize it with that cool power you have?' thing. Yeah. He should have enough to go on for the next thirty kills, which might take a nice long while.

Or in the course of the road trip be 'Here, let me see the list and I'll plot out our best route while you drive.' And during it, memorize it. Or make notes on the map of where each and every one of them are.


means2bhuman June 22 2013, 20:54:21 UTC
Well, if Sylar was plotting all along to pull a fast one on Mo AND get the list...Beating Mo up just took priority, or it WAS the priority all along! So Sylar would WANT to build a relationship and really sucker Mo in to later rub his face in, "You fell for it! Look how far I got! You took me HOME (in every sense of the word)!" It makes sense, too, that while he does talk about 'the others, Chandra, powers, Sylar', he might only be doing it as a foundation for when he DOES want the list....after beating Mo up. Or better to get the list and then beat Mo up but whatever.

I find it funny, he completely IGNORES the list - Sylar just HAD a copy in his hands, it's ON the computer...yet he beats on Mo. He doesn't even make a show of clicking on the computer, taking notes, being a smug dick about it. It's interesting, I hadn't thought of it like that.


alexia_drake June 22 2013, 15:29:44 UTC
Nathan is probably on Nathan’s side.

True. Sometimes he does not even care about any member of his family, sadly :(

I really like this scene; Peter’s face when he pulls away, “I can’t…” kills me every time. Milo does ‘sad little boy’ so well.

Yes, he's sooo good with that kind of scenes! I keep hoping that I could grab him throught the screen to hug him. Poor thing. lol

No jokes about how he needed Charlie’s power.

It looks like he really needed it. LMAO


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