Heroes Season 1 Rewatch - Genesis

Jan 20, 2013 15:37

Heroes Season 1 Rewatch, Episode 1 "Genesis"


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author: means2bhuman, !rewatch

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Comments 53

game_byrd January 20 2013, 23:55:45 UTC
Woo-hoo! It begins with a Star Wars crawl. I'd forgotten that. And then with Peter taking a leap. Interesting that the series ended with Claire jumping. I think it would have ended 'better' if BNW had ended with all the reporters craning their cameras upward, and us focusing on Claire's face, then having an over-her-shoulder perspective as she jumped. Then end. Right there.


means2bhuman January 21 2013, 04:57:37 UTC
What's a Star Wars crawl? I agree with you about the BNW ending - it actually would have been cool (better if they cut *before* she jumped, leaving it up in the air).


game_byrd January 21 2013, 13:19:17 UTC
Technically, I don't think it's *exactly* a Star Wars crawl. It's when text starts at the bottom of the screen and scrolls up so you can read the setup. I think a 'true' Star Wars crawl has it vanishing into the distance with a perspective shift. But it's still the first thing that popped into my head.


means2bhuman January 23 2013, 00:49:24 UTC
Aha! I knew it was something obvious (being a fan, I couldn't believe there'd be something I didn't know that sounded so classic!) I just didn't know it had a name. The 'crawl' was based on Flash Gordon and George Lucas's TX 1138. For nerd trivia.


wanderinspirits January 21 2013, 00:01:49 UTC
Ha. Star Wars-like paragraph at the start. I never thought of it that way. *blushes a bit.* I'll never be able to take that seriously now and I'll have to hum to it now. Now to see what else I notice...been a while since I've watched this episode last.

Edited to add: Seriously? Peter...that joke was...kind of... *facepalm*


means2bhuman January 21 2013, 00:08:31 UTC
I love the plane in the background.

I find it too ironic the 'flying' sequence of Peter's. Both Petrelli and Peter Parker (Spiderman) are from New York, so similar buildings, similar shots...An interesting way to kick off Petrelli's character. I'm going to leave S4 at the door (for the most part) because I'm still so disappointed with what they did with it - I'll try to enjoy S1 for what it is. Point is - similar shot in Heroes and Spiderman and I love the feeling of 'flying' it gives my stomach.

I love seeing 'chatty/open' Peter. So sweet, offering hope, unfounded.

And sweet, open, awkward Peter hitting on Simone.

Ah, Mohinder...I'm glad they changed his accent after the pilot. Less...racially bound or something. (I can hear Sendhil faking it! LOL)


game_byrd January 21 2013, 00:16:36 UTC
I hear what you mean about Mo's accent. It's very clipped/strong. Which I'm fine with, but it fades a lot. You know, Sendhil might have been toning down the accent to represent Mohinder's increasing exposure to Americans?


wanderinspirits January 21 2013, 00:19:34 UTC
That makes sense to me, actually, I actually said something like that to a classmate of mine before when she pointed that out to me once day. (Series started when I started high school, ended when I graduated. :'( )


means2bhuman January 21 2013, 05:00:00 UTC
That's a good thought - American exposure - I didn't think of that. I would think that takes some time, maybe longer than Mo's been in the U.S.


game_byrd January 21 2013, 00:14:30 UTC
I love Peter's eyeroll/lip-bite there when she tells him she's dating someone. 'Shot down! Dangit!' but hey, he was putting himself out there. That's how you get dates. Or so they tell me. I notice Simone's eyes dart down to Peter's butt before she turns away.


wanderinspirits January 21 2013, 00:20:59 UTC
I used to hate Nathan and I didn't understand him one bit. Now, I can't help myself...but I kind of see what it is he's thinking/doing these days. Though, I definitely think more people should be like Peter in season 1.


means2bhuman January 21 2013, 05:03:28 UTC
Me, too! I used to 'love to hate' Nathan. His emotional struggles don't get a lot of screen time (and when they do, they're kind of cheesy - his whole 'specials are angels, I spoke to God' spiel for example). Mostly because I want to smack sense into him and make him act right. Now I really enjoy him for what he is and what he brings to the table. He's...the other side of Peter's coin, you know? He has some good ideas, good directions and so does Peter - but which one's actually "right" or 'best'? Dunno.


wanderinspirits January 21 2013, 05:26:30 UTC
Well, I've been told that I remind people of Nathan before, but I like to think that I'm nicer than him. I'm trying to remember what it was I was told exactly (I'll edit to add if I can dig up that conversation on IM) but apparently I remind someone of him

But yes, he was my "love to hate" character for a long time. It actually took someone I befriended on LJ and their thoughts about how he was on the inside...well...really made me realize that he was not such a terrible guy and I actually could relate to him a bit. However, before, I used to think he was a no good "taker" and when I was high school and more naive, I hated him for it. But, after re watching this, you know...maybe I do see his point. There are different types of people in the world. Right or wrong...life is a series of give and take.

No one's the best. I just wish there were some more people with Peter's mentality in the world. I kind of like his view of things. I wish I had it.

His emotional struggles don't get a lot of screen time (and when they do, they're ( ... )


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