Fic: Excerpt (Advent Calendar Day 23)

Dec 23, 2012 23:08

Title: Excerpt
Author: Desiree
Rating: PG
Spoilers: All seasons
Characters: Peter, Sylar
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Wall fic. Peter is trying to deal with the situation.
A/N: Written for the Heroes Advent Calendar. This is part of a larger(ish) fic, parts of which have been hibernating on my hard-drive since the
series' finale. I didn't get to writing the way I wanted to, but I'm hoping to put the whole thing up sometime during January. And yes, I know it's been done before - I'd say ad nauseam, but I enjoy wall stories too much.

Sylar's poker face isn't what it used to be. His fingers jerk on the watch he's inspecting, his brows twitch in and out of a frown, his eyes keep sliding to Peter's form in the doorway.

P.S. to the mods: Can I get an author tag?

character: sylar, rating: pg, character: peter petrelli

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