The Horror Side of Heroes - 2 Fics

Mar 09, 2012 12:10

Title: Tasting New Things in the Dark
Author: dancingdragon3
Characters: Sylar, Bridgett
Rating: R
Length: ~ 630 words
Genre: gen, supernatural horror
Warnings: murder, cannibalism
Summary: Set in the beginning of One of Us, One of Them. Sylar has just killed Bridgett and gets an idea of a new, forbidden activity he can add to the scene.
Beta by game_byrd
Written for the sharp_teeth prompt:
Problem: You are what you eat.
Solution: Cannibalism!

Title: The Evolution of Claude, a Horror Story
Characters: Claude, Noah, Sandra, OMC, OFC's
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~ 5700 words
Genre: gen, supernatural horror
Warnings: stalking, voyeurism, rape, murder
Summary: This is two stories interwoven into one. It’s meant to be scary and disturbing, showing a possible, dark future for Claude and extrapolating some backstory. Sheila is a woman living alone in Manhattan, drinking too much. After having her purse stolen, she begins to get the feeling that all is not right in her apartment. Unease grows to paranoia as things begin to go missing.
Beta by lonewytch
Written for sharp_teeth prompt:

Mister Cellophane
Should have been my name
Mister Cellophane
Cause you can look right through me
Walk right by me
And never know I'm there."
--Mister Cellophane, Chicago

character: sylar, author: dancingdragon3, character: claude rains, rating: nc17

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