(Ficlet) Monsters

Feb 12, 2012 00:59

Title: Monsters
Fandoms: Heroes
Rating: PG
Genre: Sci-fi, Angst
Warnings: None.
Wordcount: 433
Characters/Pairings: Matt Parkman.
Summary: An introspective piece on power and the potential abuses thereof. Oneshot.
Details:  I actually wrote this around three years ago. I write most of my notes in present tense and convert it to past tense as I flesh out the story. That's actually what this was, the jotted down idea for a more in-depth story. I re-found it by accident, and reading it now I thought it could stand on its own with just a few tweaks, so here it is...

Monster was a word that got thrown around a lot. )

rating: pg, character: matt parkman, pairing: janice/matt

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