Tangling Probabilities - Dynamic Results

Jan 14, 2012 01:12

Title: Tangling Probabilities - Dynamic Results
Author: dancingdragon3
Rating: R
Length: ~ 3900 words
Setting: the episode Five Years Gone
Characters: Peter, Sylar, Mohinder, Matt, Hiro
Genre: Action, drama
Warnings: character death
Summary: This is the final showdown at the end of the episode Five Years Gone as told from various points of view. It is also the beginning of what comes after the final battle of Sylar and Peter.
Notes: Initially, this was meant to be the conclusion to my 5YG verse, but as you will see, not so much.

Written for the heroes_contest One shot Challenge #32: “Chaos Theory”.
Beta by game_byrd
5YG Verse Masterlist

A butterfly's flight appears random and meandering to an outside observer, but to the butterfly, it has order and purpose.

character: hiro nakamura, author: dancingdragon3, character: peter petrelli, character: matt parkman jr, rating: r, pairing: mohinder/sylar, character: sylar, character: mohinder suresh

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