The Doctor and The President

Oct 20, 2011 00:13

Title: The Doctor and The President
Author: dancingdragon3
Length: ~3400 words
Rating: NC-17
Genre: romance, angst
Pairing: Mohinder/President Nathan Petrelli (Sylar)
Contains: rough sex, hints of domination
Warnings: possible consent issues.
Summary: These are events leading up to the episode Five Years Gone. It is a collection of snapshots from the romance of Mohinder and President Petrelli in the 5YG universe.
Notes: Written for the heroes_contest one-shot challenge #31: “Spoil”. Beta by means2bhuman. Prequel to “Boundaries”.

5YG Master List

The Doctor and The President

character: sylar, pairing: mohinder/sylar, author: dancingdragon3, character: mohinder suresh, rating: nc17

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