Redemption is a Process

Sep 28, 2011 12:19

Title: Redemption is a Process
Verse: TV Show - Heroes
Characters: Sylar/Gabriel Gray, Claire Bennt Gray, Angela Petrelli, Peter Petrelli, Noah Bennet, Mohinder Suresh
Pairing: Sylar/Claire, References to Sylar/Mohinder
Rating: R- for mature readers
Warnings: Some general violence and explicit sex (minimal)
Plot: Angela has been having bad dreams so she makes a deal with the devil.... or in this case, Sylar. Sylar is torn between the (semi) normal life he is being offered and his biological imperative to absorb abilties. Things are never what they seem and events are slowly spiraling out of control.

My story is at about 65,000 words now and about half way through.... I have uploaded in "parts" rather than chapters so each part may have up to five chapters. All parts can be read from this link....

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