Fic: Lessons Learned

Sep 10, 2011 12:19

Title: Lessons Learned
Author: Del Rion (delrion.mail (at)
Fandom: Heroes
Era: Season 3, volume 4, episode: Cold Wars
Genre: Drama
Rating: K+ / FRC / PG
Characters: Emile Danko, Nathan Petrelli, Peter Petrelli (Matt Parkman and Mohinder Suresh mentioned)
Summary: Peter has to learn where to draw the line - and how to keep it there.
Written for: Heroes_Contest’s (heroes-contest) Drabble Challenge 30: Line
Warnings: Spoilers for season 3, implied shooting of a person, murderous thoughts.


“If you want to draw a line for someone, Pete, you have to make sure you hold them to it as well. Otherwise it’s just words, and no one will ever take your demands seriously.”

del_rion's previous stories in this community:
Worse than Weather | Wondering About Distance | The Hue of Betrayal | Obscure Heroism | To Forget What You Did | Reasons | Six Faces of Broken Trust | Occupational Hazard | Burning Sun | Standby | No Such Thing | The Price of Selfishness | Deep Sleep | Sounds | Family Psychology | Enemy Within | Night Terror | Empty Dead World | Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust | The Error of Sun Tzu | Ravenous | Vampire Syndrome | Ne Plus Ultra | Where Is Your God | Blood Spatter | A Truckload of Ice | Dying | Heroes of Tomorrow | Dracula Disorder | Zugzwang

pairing: none, character: nathan petrelli, rating: pg, character: emile danko, author: del rion, character: peter petrelli

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