Fic Set in Five Years Gone

Sep 09, 2011 00:38

Title: Festering Wounds
Author: dancingdragon3
Length: 400 words
Rating/Genre: PG, gen
Characters: FYG Peter
Summary: In his self-imposed isolation, Peter’s nights are long and boring.

Festering Wounds

And the sequel:

Title: Hot and Cold
Length: ~2000 words
Rating: NC-17 for sexual content
Pairing: Peter/Niki
Genre: angst, het
Summary: Set a few months before Five Years Gone. Peter is surfing the internet when Niki decides it's time to go to bed, but Peter is not in the mood.
Beta by game_byrd
Both are written for heroes_contest

Hot and Cold

pairing: niki/peter, author: dancingdragon3, rating: nc17

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