Fic: Zugzwang

Aug 24, 2011 16:59

Title: Zugzwang
Author: Del Rion (delrion.mail (at)
Fandom: Heroes
Era: Post season 4
Genre: Drama
Rating: T / FRT / PG-13
Characters: Peter Petrelli, Sylar
Pairing: (a hint of) Peter/Sylar
Summary: Peter has a tendency to make bad choices when it comes to trusting other people. Sylar does his best to protect him, but sometimes it isn’t enough, and once again the world is in peril even though the idea was to guide it to a better future.
Written for: Heroes_Contest’s (heroes-contest) One-shot Challenge 30: Black and White
Warnings: Dirty language, description of war, a hint of slash (m/m).


After months of running, Peter’s tears were beginning to vanish and his eyes starting to fill with rage.

del_rion's previous stories in this community:
Worse than Weather | Wondering About Distance | The Hue of Betrayal | Obscure Heroism | To Forget What You Did | Reasons | Six Faces of Broken Trust | Occupational Hazard | Burning Sun | Standby | No Such Thing | The Price of Selfishness | Deep Sleep | Sounds | Family Psychology | Enemy Within | Night Terror | Empty Dead World | Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust | The Error of Sun Tzu | Ravenous | Vampire Syndrome | Ne Plus Ultra | Where Is Your God | Blood Spatter | A Truckload of Ice | Dying | Heroes of Tomorrow | Dracula Disorder

rating: pg13, character: sylar, author: del rion, character: peter petrelli, pairing: peter/sylar

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