Fic: Heroes of Tomorrow -5- The R-Word

Jul 21, 2011 12:28

Title: Heroes of Tomorrow
-5- The R-Word
Author: Del Rion (delrion.mail (at)
Fandom: Heroes
Era: Post season 4
Genre: Action, drama
Rating: M / FRM / R
Characters: Claire Bennet, Noah Bennet, Edgar, Ando Masahashi, Hiro Nakamura, Peter Petrelli, Micah Sanders, Mohinder Suresh, Sylar, Molly Walker (+ various other Heroes characters)
Summary: The road from hero to superhero isn’t easier or less bumpy than the one from citizen to becoming a hero in the first place. With the will of the many and injustice to fight, there are those who will stand up and do what others cannot - whether it means saving the world, or getting burned while trying.
Work in progress.
Pairing: Peter/Sylar
Warnings: Violence, slash (m/m).


“A renegade,” Micah repeated the word while part of his mind focused on the laptop beside him. “It’s what some of us think Claire is. That she is betraying us. A traitor…”

del_rion's previous stories in this community:
Worse than Weather | Wondering About Distance | The Hue of Betrayal | Obscure Heroism | To Forget What You Did | Reasons | Six Faces of Broken Trust | Occupational Hazard | Burning Sun | Standby | No Such Thing | The Price of Selfishness | Deep Sleep | Sounds | Family Psychology | Enemy Within | Night Terror | Empty Dead World | Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust | The Error of Sun Tzu | Ravenous | Vampire Syndrome | Ne Plus Ultra | Where Is Your God | Blood Spatter | A Truckload of Ice | Dying | Heroes of Tomorrow | Dracula Disorder

pairing: none, rating: r, character: ando masahashi, character: hiro nakamura, author: del rion, character: micah sanders

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