One-shot: Unhappy Endings

Jun 19, 2011 19:05

Title: Unhappy Endings
Length: ~2500 words
Characters: Charles Deveaux, Ricky (from Cork, Ireland), Sue Landers, Sandra Bennet, and others
Rating/Genre: PG-13 for angst, violence, character death
Summary: This is a series of vignettes centering around the four characters listed above. Some liberties have been taken with canon for dramatic effect.
A/N: Written for the heroes_contest  one-shot #29: "Collateral Damage".  Beta by jaimie_prufrock

Charles Deveaux loved his daughter more than life itself, and he wept for the man that fear and pride had driven him to become.

character: lyle bennet, rating: pg13, character: mrs. bennet (sandra), character: charles deveaux, author: dancingdragon3, character: ricky

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