Fic: Dracula Disorder

May 26, 2011 20:09

Title: Dracula Disorder
Author: Del Rion (delrion.mail (at)
Fandom: Heroes
Era: Post season 4
Genre: Action, drama
Rating: M / FRM / R
Characters: Peter Petrelli, Sylar (, Mohinder Suresh)
Summary: After briefly possessing a vampire-like ability, Peter and Sylar decide they have to find the man who originally gave Peter the bothersome power. Tracking him down won’t be that easy, however, and Sylar’s new heroic attitude will be put to the test.
Complete. Sequel to “ Vampire Syndrome” and “ Blood Spatter”.
Written for: Lauren (lornrocks @ LJ) because she requested/demanded/offered a great sum of money for a sequel to “Vampire Syndrome”. And as busy as I pretended to be, my brain decided this one was too good to pass up.
Warnings: Violence/gore/murder, language. Some mild, random spoilers for all seasons of Heroes.


The weather didn’t bother him, nor did the lack of clothing. It was just him, the bodies, the sweet iron-tinted nectar and -

“Peter! Stop it!”

Annoyed, he turned his head. Sylar stood there, looking almost horrified. For some reason it seemed comical to him, then he recalled that this same man had spent years opening people’s skulls and examining their brains at his leisure. So, why such a face?

del_rion's previous stories in this community:
Worse than Weather | Wondering About Distance | The Hue of Betrayal | Obscure Heroism | To Forget What You Did | Reasons | Six Faces of Broken Trust | Occupational Hazard | Burning Sun | Standby | No Such Thing | The Price of Selfishness | Deep Sleep | Sounds | Family Psychology | Enemy Within | Night Terror | Empty Dead World | Ashes to Ashes | Dust to Dust | The Error of Sun Tzu | Ravenous | Vampire Syndrome | Ne Plus Ultra | Where Is Your God | Blood Spatter | A Truckload of Ice | Dying | Heroes of Tomorrow

pairing: none, rating: r, character: sylar, author: del rion, character: peter petrelli

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