Skipping Pebbles

Mar 07, 2011 23:35

Title: Skipping pebbles
Author: amles80
Rating/Genre: R/slash
Characters/Pairing: Molly, Matt/Mohinder
Summary: Something happened with Molly the day she hit her sixteenth birthday and she started seeing Matt and Mohinder in a new light.
Word count: 2 739
Spoilers/Warnings: No/Molly is not a cute child anymore, she’s a voyeuristic teenager. This can be considered inappropriate. (But it’s written by me, so how bad can it be?)
Notes: An attempt at not-fluff for kidarania_nika who thought of this in a sudden flash of wit and I said okay, why not. Thanks for the inspiration!

( Molly wonders what kinds of thoughts other people are hiding?)

rating: r, character: molly walker, pairing: matt/mohinder, author: amles80

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