Fiction Update: Rescue Me, Chapter 4: Nathan, episode 1/8

Feb 15, 2011 12:36


Title: Rescue Me, Chapter 4: Nathan, episode 1/8
Author: dancingdragon3
Rating: NC-17 overall
Pairings: (over entire chapter) Peter/Sylar, Monica/Ando, Claire/West, Claire&Monica, Peter&Nathan, Sylar&Mohinder, Sylar&Micah, Sylar&Noah, Sylar&Claire
Characters: ensemble cast: Peter, Sylar, Angela, Nathan, Claire, Noah, Luke, West, Monica, Micah, Molly, Nana, Rachel Mills, Hiro, Ando, Mohinder, Danko, Agent Taub, Claude, Alex
Length: 40,000+ words in 8 episodes. 10,000 words this episode.
Genre: AU, slash, het, romance, hurt/comfort, action/adventure
Warnings: (for entire chapter) graphic sex, violence, character death, implied incest, drug and alcohol use, underage drinking, strong language
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to NBC and Tim Kring.
Summary: This episode focuses on Nathan, Sylar, Peter, and Claire. The action picks up one month after the end of Chapter 3, but includes flashbacks of earlier days. We also see the arrival of Rebel.
Special Guest Stars: Nichelle Nichols as Nana, and Michael Dorn as The President
A/N: AU version of season 3.5 Fugitives. Goes AU after Shades of Gray. This chapter picks up one month after 1961, and after the end of the canon season. Sylar never went to Danko. Instead, Sylar and Peter are working with Rebel and have rescued Luke and Angela. They drove to Coyote Sands, and met Nathan, Claire, Noah and Mohinder.

If you haven’t read the first three chapters, you should be able to start reading here with little confusion, as they were really just a set up for this chapter. Just know that Sylar and Luke are on the same side as the Petrellis; and that Sylar and Peter are sleeping together and no one's happy about it except for Luke. Oh, and Angela is Sylar's godmother. It's a long story.

A/N about Sylar's powers: at this point, he has all his canon season one, two, and three powers, along with Meredith's fire, Luke's microwaves, Nathan's flight, Matt's telepathy (via Peter), and from his birth mother the ability to bring other people's minds into his lucid dreams. He and Peter have been sharing these dreams for years without their conscious knowledge.

Beta by adahleida  
Banner by vaeltaa

Rescue Me Masterlist

click for episode 1 of Nathan

!ensemble, author: dancingdragon3, pairing: gabriel/peter, pairing: peter/sylar, rating: nc17

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