He Remains Her Reflection

Feb 12, 2011 18:59

Title: He Remains Her Reflection
Author: amles80
Rating/genre: G/g
Characters/Pairing: Charles Deveaux & Peter Petrelli (platonic), references to past Charles/Angela
Summary: Charles likes Peter very much.
Word count: 965
Spoilers/Warnings: No.
Notes: Written for a prompt by Anon: “CharlesD/Peter, Platonic - He remains her…” at heroeskink. Disclaimer: I have no idea if I interpreted the prompt correctly and there’s nothing kinky about this. Like it says; it’s platonic! :) Again, written very quickly because I happened to see the prompt and it spoke to me.

Here: http://amles80.livejournal.com/41621.html

rating: g, character: charles deveaux, author: amles80, character: peter petrelli

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