3 Music Meme Ficlets

Jan 11, 2011 10:12

Title/Song:“Get Out Alive”
Characters/Pairing: Claire, Peter
Rating: G
Summary/Spoilers: Very mild, for “.07%”

It's hard to imagine
But one day you'll end up like me

( The second time she saw her father, he was holding his dead brother in his arms. )

Song/Title:“Ocean Soul” - Nightwish
Characters/Pairing: Nathan
Rating: G
Summary/Spoilers: General Season 2 Nathan.

Long hours of loneliness
Between me and the sea

( He's not sure how he got here. )

Title/Song:“Cold” - Static X
Characters/Pairing: Sylar/Maya
Rating: PG
Summary/Spoilers: On the way to New York...

Your mouth
These words
It turns

( It's been a while. )

character: claire bennet, character: peter petrelli, character: nathan petrelli, rating: g, character: sylar, character: maya herrera, rating: pg, author: ilcuoreardendo, pairing: maya/sylar

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