Drabbles: Christmas Presents

Dec 26, 2010 00:12

Title: Sylar Santa
Characters/Pairings: Matt/Audrey, Molly, mentions of Mohinder/Sylar
Rating: G
Warnings: het, mentions of slash
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring and the people at NBC
Spoiler alert: none really general Heroes knowledge
A/N: Just some Christmas gifts for everyone in the form of fics!
Summary: Matt struggles to win Molly’s affections from her other dad.

Molly’s relationship with Sylar got off to a rocky start but, the former serial killer eventually won her over my lavishing her with gifts, at least that was Matt’s theory.

Title: Home for the Holidays
Characters/Pairings: Lyle, mentions of Claire/Gretchen
Rating: G
Warnings: mentions of femslash, character deaths mentioned
Disclaimer: Heroes belongs to Tim Kring and the people at NBC
Spoiler alert: takes place after season 4
A/N: Just some Christmas gifts for everyone in the form of fics!
Summary: Lyle meets Claire again for Christmas after years of not speaking

The snow crunched against he’s feet with each step. The wind howled and Lyle pulled his black cloak closer around his body. Through the snow, he saw a petite blonde in a forest green coat. Lyle approached her an looked down at the tombstone.

character: lyle bennet, character: claire bennet, character: audrey hanson, author: kojonoyuri, rating: g, character: molly walker, character: matt parkman

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