[oneshot] Away, Away

Oct 18, 2010 06:57

Title: Away, Away
Author: motorbabyx 
Rating: PG-13 for theme.
Characters: Jeremy Greer, mentions of Noah Bennet
Pairings: None
Spoilers: Tabula Rasa/Strange Attractors (s4)
Warnings: Angst, minor character, character death.
Disclaimer: If Heroes was mine, it would still be on TV.  So, clearly, it is not.
Excerpt: That moment was burned into his brain - the strange warmth of a comforting hand landing on his shoulder, the promise that mystery man had made to him ringing in his ears.

He promised.

[ the cut is a lie ]

Note to mods- would it be at all possible to get a tag for Jeremy?  I will be submitting a few more fics involving him, so figured I might as well ask.

pairing: none, rating: pg13, character: jeremy greer, author: motorbabyx

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