Fugitives, part one (crossover)

Sep 20, 2010 21:02

Title: Fugitives (1/?)
Fandom: The Devil Wears Prada/Heroes
Rating/Genre: PG? for now/femslash, crossover
Characters/Pairing: Andy, Angela, Miranda, Danko-soldiers, “Rebel”. Andy/Miranda…
Summary: Andy hasn’t seen Miranda in a long time, but when her mother warns her that someone she knows is in danger, she goes to find her. It turns out other people want to find Miranda, too, and Andy reveals her ability.
Word count: 1000
Prompts: # 246 - Simple, # 249 - Attack, # 243 - Bright, # 247 - Complicated, for femslash100. Originally posted in four parts (one drabble of 250 words for each prompt) for Reminder Challenge # 250.
Spoilers/Warnings: No.
Disclaimer: No, I don’t own any of the characters.
Notes: This will probably make more sense if you have some basic knowledge of both fandoms. In this AU, Andy is the youngest member of the Petrelli family. Sort of sequel to Loyalty, but for those of you who haven’t read it, this sums it up: Miranda questions Andy’s loyalty because she finds out that Sachs is not Andy’s real name, and Andy finds out that for some reason, Miranda knows and dislikes her mother Angela. (It can be seen as a prologue, I guess; there’s a timegap between the drabble and this fic.) Timeline for this fic: a year or two later after Andy left in Paris, and Heroes season 3.

rating: pg, author: amles80, !crossover

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