Title: Desolation Row
Song: "Desolation Row" - Bob Dylan
ilcuoreardendoCharacters/Pairing: Sylar
Rating: R
Genre: Drama, Post-Series
Warnings: Blood, death, some violence
He’s in a nondescript hotel room, in a nondescript town, and the blood of a nondescript prostitute is drying on the threadbare rug. )
Title: Fly
Song: "I'm Sensitive" - Jewel
ilcuoreardendoCharacters/Pairing: Nathan, Peter, Angela
Rating: G
Genre: Pre-Series
Warnings: None
“Nathan! Look at me. I can fly.” )
Title: Freedom Unbound
ilcuoreardendoSong: "306" - Emilie Autumn
Characters/Pairing: Claire
Rating: G
Genre: Post-Series (so, technically AU)
Warnings: Mentions of character death
It’s been nearly a century since she should have died. )