Lyle Bennet Dreamed (1/1, Gen, AU)

Aug 28, 2010 16:18

Title: Lyle Bennet Dreamed 1/1

Characters: Lyle Bennet, Original Character
Rating: PG-13 for themes
Type: Gen, AU
Disclaimer: Copyright of Heroes is held by the respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Spoiler Alert: Through S4
Summary: Lyle Bennet finds a source for Company funding.
Note: This story takes place in the same AU as "Perchance To Dream."

Lyle Bennet dreamed. Unlike his father and sister, Lyle had never been dead, so he did not recognize the intersection of the Deathscape with the living Dreamscape.

“Who are you?,” Lyle asked the old man sitting at the kitchen table. The kitchen table did not look familiar, but the old man did.

“I’m Lyle Bennet,” he answered. “I’m your grandpa.” Lyle Bennet, the elder, then told his grandson where they were and what he was - the facts of life and death.

“More weirdness,” the boy complained. “You always sounded normal when Dad talked about you.”

“I am normal,” assured his grandfather. “This is normal in death. Most people just don’t recognize or accept it.”

Understanding dawned. “Just like most people don’t recognize and wouldn’t accept Claire,” said her brother.

“Exactly,” said her grandfather, tracing patterns on the table.

“Why are you doing that,” Lyle asked, as the patterns resolved themselves into words he did not recognize.

“In life, I was a professor of Linguistics and Psychology, Universal Grammar, Syntax, Morphology, Language Acquisition, and Neurolinguistics.”

“Oh,” said his grandson, thinking the old man was not quite normal after all.

Lyle Bennet, the elder, continued. “I’m a nerd, and words make me happy. The Deathscape has an automatic translator, so we can all understand each other. I’ve turned it off to have the pleasure of translating a text no one living has seen for millennia.” He smiled. “Aha!,” he exclaimed, as the words became clearer. “I spy with my Eagle Eye something beginning with ‘T’ - ‘T’ for treasure.”

“Treasure?” The younger’s eyes widened. “You mean like gold and rubies and stuff?”

“Yup.” The elder’s eyes twinkled. “Tell your father his funding problem is solved. Julius Caesar hid cash and valuables only he and Cleopatra knew about in a tomb only he and Cleopatra knew about…until now.”

Lyle remembered one of the few history lectures that had not bored him. “Wouldn’t Cleopatra have used any valuables as bribes after things went bad for her and Marc Anthony?”

“According to this,” answered his grandfather,” she didn’t have time to dig it up.” He was wistful. “Octavian had Cleopatra’s son by Caesar murdered and gave her children by Anthony to his sister, Octavia, Anthony’s ex-wife.”

“Wow. They sound as dysfunctional as the Petrellis. They’re Claire’s bio-family,” said her brother.

“I know,” said her grandfather sadly, giving his grandson specific information to take back to his family in the waking world. “It’s a consolation -- one dysfunctional family, immortal in history, left resources millennia ago that’ll hopefully help the child of another dysfunctional family, immortal in body, millennia from now.”

character: lyle bennet, rating: pg13, character: omc, author: raissad

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