Title: The Assassin and the Bandit
Characters: Adam, Alfred
Rating: G
Warnings: none, maybe some minor violence
Disclaimer: I don’t own Heroes or any of the other characters from Heroes they belong to NBC and Tim Kring, and I don’t own Batman or any characters in the Batman universe they belong to Bob Kane and Warner Bros.
Spoiler alert: none really general knowledge of the Dark Knight and season 2 of Heroes
Summary: “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”
Read here:
kojonoyuri.livejournal.com/41999.html#cutid1 Title: Kindred
Characters: Mohinder, Harley Quinn
Pairing: Mohinder/Sylar, Joker/Harley
Rating: G
Warnings: slash, het, implied character death
Disclaimer: I don’t own Heroes or any of the other characters from Heroes they belong to NBC and Tim Kring, and I don’t own Batman or any characters in the Batman universe they belong to Bob Kane and Warner Bros.
Spoiler alert: none, general knowledge of Heroes and Batman
Summary: Mohinder finds a kindred spirit in a bar in Gotham City
Read here: