The Hounds Of Heaven 1/1 (Gen, AU)

May 13, 2010 12:50

Title: The Hounds of Heaven 1/1
Characters: Claire Bennet, Carlos Mendez, Original Characters, Others
Rating: PG-13 for themes
Type: Gen, AU
Disclaimer: Copyright of Heroes is held by the respective owners. No infringement is intended.
Spoiler alert: Through S4
Summary: Claire finds Miss Lovegood’s puppy a home.
Notes: This story is set in the same AU as “Perchance To Dream” and features Carlos Mendez. Squire Richard Cavill was inspired by a real person.

One black Pomapoo puppy suckled from Miss Lovegood; the other lay stillborn in Claire Bennet’s hands. “Please, get the infusion kit, Mom.”

Sandra Bennet brought her daughter the infusion kit, used only in family emergencies, because Miss Lovegood’s puppies were family. Claire drew her own blood and injected it into the tiny vein with no effect. “I’m so sorry, Sweetheart. I guess your blood can’t cross species. You’ve got to love the living puppy.”

“I will, Mom,” assured Claire, “but I need to love this one, too.” With that, Claire bit down on a cyanide capsule, joining the little creature in the Deathscape.

Claire looked into the puppy’s brown eyes upon arrival. Kissing her on the head, she said, “I’m not going to be here all the time, so we need to find you people who are.” Suddenly, the puppy sniffed and barked, sensing a presence. The Deathscape shifted, becoming a surreally shaped, too vividly colored garden. At the center of the garden sat a large black hound with spectral white eyes.

The hound languidly transformed into a willowy woman with wavy chestnut hair and brown eyes. “How do you do?,” she asked with an English accent. “I’m Honoria Cavill Mendez, but you can call me Honey. Everyone does. This is my husband, Carlos.”

“I’m fine,” said Claire. “Thank you, ma’am…Honey. I’m Claire Bennet.” She was perplexed. “I can’t seem to see your husband anywhere in the garden.”

“Hello,” said a blue rose with a Spanish accent, its petals mouthing the word.

Honey laughed at Claire’s shock. “Carlos isn’t in the garden; he is the garden. He’s exploring his art as his art.”

Carlos Mendez transformed himself from a garden into a hound even larger than Honey had been with multi-colored flower petal fur and spectral black eyes. “Why black eyes?,” asked Claire.

“I have a mixture of many colors in my fur,” answered the artist, “so I should have a mixture of many colors in my eyes.” Transforming into a man, he scratched the Pomapoo behind the ears. “What a marvelous little dog,” said Carlos. “It looks like a gothic chrysanthemum.”

“She’s a Pomeranian-Poodle mix,” said Claire. “Would you like to have her? You’re obviously dog people.”

“Aren’t you going to keep her?,” asked Carlos.

“I come and go,” she answered. “Chrysanthemum needs a permanent home.”

“You come and go,” repeated Honey, fleeting apprehension on her face. “We’ve only encountered one other person who could ‘come and go’ from here…”

“Adam Monroe,” said Carlos, sighing. “The others went ahead with the plan to selectively breed his replacement.”

“Yes,” said Claire, realizing who he was. “You were a Company founder…Isaac Mendez’s father.” She recalled a picture of the founders Angela had shown her and what Peter and her father had told her about the artist who helped them. “How did you die? He really needed you and Honey there for him.”

To explain the end of their lives, Honey Cavill Mendez began at the beginning with her family’s history, shifting the Deathscape into the English Civil War. Centuries before Adam Monroe subjected the Company to his God Complex, a normal monarch, Charles I, believed that God set him on the throne, and he need not answer to Parliament. Parliament begged to differ, and untold thousands entered the Deathscape. Her Royalist relative, Squire Richard Cavill, developed a unique method for killing Parliamentarians. He used his illusion ability to transform himself into a were-hound with spectral red eyes. Armed with bladed gauntlets seen as claws, he hunted his prey to ground. Because this unnatural dog mauled in service to Charles’ perceived Divine Right, Parliamentarians ironically called the beast the Hound of Heaven. The Parliamentarians eventually prevailed, beheading the king. They fined Cavill for siding with the Royalists, connecting him to the beast through a ring he lost during an attack. Not knowing the Hound of Heaven’s true nature, they had all his real hunting dogs put down.

Her husband continued their story. Tired of painting illusionary landscapes created in his apartment, Carlos Mendes vacationed from his work at the Spanish Embassy in London, traveling to Devon for authentic vistas. He first encountered Honey at Richard Cavill’s tomb generating ghostly illusions of his wrongfully accused hounds.

She interrupted, “The Paranormal Albion Journal featured a lovely article. Those poor dogs deserved recognition, after suffering as they did. I like to think their dear souls truly were manifesting through the conduit of my power.”

They both continued in turns, shifting the Deathscape as their narrative progressed. They had a whirlwind courtship, meeting Daniel Linderman during their honeymoon. Having a voice in the nascent Company invigorated Carlos, and his diplomatic connections aided in furthering their international goals. Isaac was born, and all was bright before them, even when Angela Petrelli came to them with a dream. “I’m sorry,” said Angela. “Your bodies will be completely charred in the wreck.”

“Will Isaac be in the car with us?,” asked his father.

“No,” said Angela.

“That’s all right, then,” said his mother. “Please take care of him.”

“We will,” assured Angela.

Six months after that conversation, they were killed when their car flipped and exploded. Carlos lost control after swerving to avoid a dog in the road.

“How were you able to save that dog when you knew it would mean leaving Isaac alone in life?,” asked Claire.

Carlos answered, “Precognitives wonder why death prophecies are inevitable. It’s because death in some form is inevitable. Save the dog or kill the dog, we would’ve always left Isaac alone in life.”

“So we saved a living dog,” said Honey, “and were true to the dead ones.”

Alive later, Claire cuddled Chrysanthemum’s brother, Gremlin. She wondered if Chrysanthemum had adjusted to existence in her new pack with Carlos, Honey, and Cavill’s actual hounds. She hoped she would hear their howls within the Dreamscape that night.

character: claire bennet, character: ofc, character: angela petrelli, rating: pg13, character: mrs. bennet (sandra), character: omc, author: raissad

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