Phone Sex (Fiction)

Mar 23, 2010 17:02

            “Oh, Gabriel! You’re home…” Peter said. Gabriel sat down on the bed next to Peter,

“What are you doing?” Gabriel asked again. Peter bit his lip,

“Uh… I was thinking that, in order to avoid future problems, I should tell Noah that you aren’t killing anymore. I was going to do it over the phone, so he can’t, you know, kill you…”

“Oh. Yeah, that would be a good idea…” Gabriel said, and then grinned, “Can I do it?”

“Huh?” Peter said.

“I want to tell Noah,” Gabriel explained. Peter shrugged,

“If you want,” Peter said and handed the phone to Gabriel. Gabriel dialed in Noah’s number and waited for the other man to pick up.

“Hello?” Noah answered.

“Hi, Noah,” Gabriel said, voice singsong.

“Uh, who is this?” Gabriel frowned,

“It’s me… Ga- uh, Sylar,” Gabriel said, as if it should have been obvious.

“Sylar! What have you done with Peter?!” Peter chuckled.

“Well, I’ve fucked him a fair few times…” Peter eyes widened,

“Hey!” Gabriel laughed.

“…Wait, what?” Peter grabbed for the phone, but Gabriel stood up. He turned on the speakerphone and held the cell out of Peter’s reach.

“Yeah. I guess he couldn’t resist my charms and good looks any more,” Gabriel said, still chuckling. Peter stood on his tiptoes, half-leaning against Gabriel, grasping at the phone,

“Give me the phone, Gabriel!”

“Peter, is that you? What’s going on?”

“Stop being an ass, Gabe!” Peter demanded. Gabriel just snickered.

“Did you just refer to Sylar as Gabe?” Peter sighed, realizing how confused Noah must be at the moment.

“It’s kind of a long story, Noah,” Peter said, “A story I’d tell you if Gabriel would give me the God damned phone!” Gabriel clucked his tongue at Peter,

“Such a filthy mouth.” Peter glared. He backed up a bit, scowling at Gabriel.

“You’re adorable when you pout,” Gabriel said.

“What did Sylar just say?” Peter suddenly barreled into Gabriel, knocking him backwards onto the bed.

“Oof! Geez, Peter. You’re so rough, sometimes.” Peter stuck out his tongue and started to crawl over Gabriel to get the phone, but Gabriel dropped the phone over the side of the bed and grabbed Peter’s wrists, pulling them out from underneath him, causing the smaller man to fall on top of Gabriel. Peter made to get up and retrieve the phone, but Gabriel wrapped an arm around him, trapping Peter against the other’s chest.

“Gabe?” Gabriel smirked and tilted his head up to capture Peter’s lips in a gentle kiss.

“Uh, Peter? …Sylar? What’s going on?” Noah’s voice came from floor. Peter tried to pull away from Gabriel to answer Noah, but Gabriel placed his free hand on the back of Peter’s head and deepened the kiss.

“Mmph!” Peter protested through the kiss, still concerned about Noah. Gabriel rolled his eyes, pulling back.


“Noah…” Peter said. Gabriel snorted softly.

“Let’s try to focus a little here, Peter,” Gabriel said, reaching between himself and Peter to fondle Peter through his pants. Peter moaned, squirming in attempt to get more friction, all thoughts of Noah wiped from his mind. Peter sat up, straddling Gabriel, and pulled of his shirt. Gabriel smirked and ran his hands over Peter’s newly exposed skin, brushing his thumb over Peter’s navel. Peter sucked in his breath sharply; Gabriel’s petting tickling him in a very pleasant way.

“Gabe,” Peter breathed. He grabbed the hem of Gabriel’s shirt and made to pull it over the other’s head, but Gabriel grabbed his hands, shaking his head. Peter quirked an eyebrow, but Gabriel didn’t explain.

“Get up.” Gabriel said, lightly smacking Peter’s thigh. Peter chuckled and slid off the bed to stand next to it. Gabriel stood up as well and took his place behind Peter, reaching around to undo the other’s pants and yank them down. Gabriel kissed Peter’s neck as he gave Peter’s newly freed cock a few strokes. “I’m going to fuck you so hard.” Gabriel purred in Peter’s ear. Peter moaned in response, the dirty words causing a shiver to run down his spine. Gabriel leered and shoved Peter back down onto the bed.

“Oof!” Peter said when he hit the mattress, his cock now trapped between his stomach and the bed, “And you say I play rough.” Gabriel laughed quietly and pushed a finger inside of the other without warning. Peter yelped at the sudden sensation, “Jerk.” Gabriel responded by adding a second finger. Peter gasped and pushed back on Gabriel’s fingers, reveling in the feeling of his length dragging across the rough bedspread. Gabriel grinned and scissored his fingers, searching for Peter’s prostate. He knew he had found it when Peter shouted the other man’s name and began to fuck himself on Gabriel’s fingers.

“You’re such a slut, Peter.” Gabriel cooed.

“Ye~s,” Peter groaned, “Only for you.” Gabriel removed his fingers, ignoring the frustrated sigh from Peter and positioned himself at Peter’s entrance.

“Ready?” Gabriel asked. Peter could only nod, words failing him. Gabriel pushed into Peter, moaning as the tight, wet heat engulfed him.

“Feels so good…” Peter said. Gabriel grunted in response, and began thrusting in and out of Peter. Incoherent noises spilled from Peter’s mouth as Gabriel’s cock stroked his insides. Gabriel grabbed Peter’s hips, re-angling himself to hit that spot inside of Peter, causing the aforementioned man to yelp and his cock to twitch gleefully. Gabriel’s hands roughly explored Peter’s body, scratching and bruising the skin beneath his fingers.

It wasn’t long before Peter was shouting out his orgasm, clenching around Gabriel and sending the other over the edge as well. Gabriel collapsed next to Peter on the bed, panting. “Uhn…” Peter said, “What were we doing before you jumped me?” Gabriel snorted in amusement. He rolled over, reaching down the side of the bed and retrieving the phone. Peter’s eyes widened, “Oh shit! Noah!” he exclaimed and grabbed the phone from Gabriel. “Noah? You still there?”

“…Peter?” came the reply.


“I’m call-blocking you.”

character: gabriel gray, character: peter petrelli, rating: nc17, character: mr. bennet (hrg/noah)

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