RPF: Let Me Entertain You (R)

Mar 15, 2010 10:11

Title: Let Me Entertain You  (part 1, with link to part 2)
Rating/Warnings: R-ish. Warnings for language, not very graphic sex (het and slash), general RPFiness and all that implies, and for the fact that I've managed to make everyone look quite ridiculous.
Characters/Pairings: Adrian/Milo mostly, with some other pairings along the way. Appearances by Cris, Jack, Masi, Greg, ZQ, Sendhil, Kristen and several others.
Word count: approx 12,000, split into two parts (!! I know.)
Disclaimer:  Adrian, Cris and Jack are not judges on American Idol, and the rest of the cast aren't contestants. Fiction is my friend that way though.
A/N: This is an American Idol/Heroes RPF crossover, written for the gorgeous mimesh. I'm not sure if I can adequately explain the evolution of this fic, other than to say it originated with a pic of a bearded Milo, progressed to him being run through Rupaul's dragulator and coming out with a pink party dress and a tiara, and culminated in the idea that a grunge-punk cross-dressing Milo might do well on American Idol (which, of course, leads to shady backstage behavior with judge Adrian). It made sense at the time, honestly. Full blame-sharing credits are behind the fake-cut, but needless to say I did not do this alone.

This is going to be awkward.

pairing: (rpf) sendhil/zachary, character: (actor) sendhil ramamurthy, character: (actor) adrian pasdar, character: (actor) milo ventimiglia, character: (actor) masi oka, pairing: (rpf) adrian/milo, rating: r, character: (actor) kristen bell, character: (actor) zachary quinto

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