Fic: Primatech 815 - Ch. 21

Feb 28, 2010 18:38

Title: Primatech 815
Author: starrdust411
Fandom: Heroes (Crossover with Lost)
Characters: Ando, Bennet, Claire, Claude, Hiro, Isaac, Peter, Matt, Micah, Mohinder, Niki, Simone, Sylar (more to come)
Rating: R
Summary: A plane crash unites a group of strangers.
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or Lost.
Warnings: AU, Violence, Action/Adventure, Drug use, Het, Slash, Crossover/Fusion
Author's Note: I'd just like to thank everyone who voted for this story during the Heroes Slash Fanfiction Awards. I really apperciate it :)

Previous Chapters

Chapter 21

( In This Chapter: Peter must put aside his guilt in order to find Claire before it's too late )

character: claire bennet, character: hiro nakamura, !ensemble, character: simone deveaux, !crossover, rating: r, character: claire petrelli, character: matt parkman, character: isaac mendez, character: niki sanders, author: starrdust411, character: ando masahashi, character: peter petrelli, character: micah sanders, character: sylar, character: mohinder suresh, character: mr. bennet (hrg/noah)

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