Title: Five Things That Never Happened to Gabriel Gray
Author: Butterflyweb
Pairing: Mohinder/Gabriel, Gabriel/other
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Gabriel and Mohinder are not mine. :( Everything else is, though, so nyah.
Warnings: Non-con (nothing graphic)
Summary: One thing that never happened, three that could've, and one we all assume did.
1) Meetings
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Comments 6
Ah, poor Gabriel. He needs a hug. And some Thorazine. :)
Thank you!
This was very good. Beautifully written.
(And Abe totally deserved it. Twice over.)
(I completely agree)
My only gripe is the small font size. Maybe my eyes are going bad but I had to copy/paste it into a word document and make the font bigger in order to read it properly.
Otherwise, though? So so excellent. This is going on my Mylar rec list. <3
I'm getting recced? *spazgrin* Yay!
I'm so glad you liked this, and sorry about the font. It actually looks rather big on my computer and I have a bit of a tick about that (I use size 9 when I'm on Word). I made it a bit bigger in case anyone else has that problem, though, and I'll just grin and bear it. :D
Thanks so much for reading!
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