Loyalty in the Face of Change Ch. 3

Feb 14, 2010 15:40

Title: Loyalty in the Face of Change
Chapter: Three: Enter Virginia
Author: chasepoke
Characters: Mostly Luke and Gabriel/Sylar, but everyone else is in there, too
Pairing: Luke/Gabriel, Sylar/Luke
Spoilers: Major spoilers for season 1and beyond
Rating: R to NC-17
Warnings: Violence and sex
Summary: AU-ish. Luke and Gabriel attend the same High School back in the early 90's (which I'm guessing is when canon!Gabriel went to High School). The story follows their relationship throughout the years. I suppose the story will end when the series does. Wow, this summary sucks. Oh well, just read it.

Gabriel was waiting for him the next day, just like they agreed. He was sitting against the tree like yesterday, finishing a tuna sandwich. Luke noticed that he left the crusts and found it to be inexplicably charming. Luke came up behind Gabriel and tapped him on the shoulder. Gabriel jumped, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you,” Luke said.

“Luke! Thank God. I thought you might’ve been a teacher or something.” Luke chuckled,

“Gabe, teachers wouldn’t come out this far. Don’t worry.”

“Right,” Gabriel mumbled.

“You want to start where we left off yesterday?” Luke asked.

“Sure,” Gabriel stood up. Luke showed him a couple more punching moves and had Gabriel demonstrate them. Luke wished he were better at teaching. It was never his strong suit. Plus, all he knew about fighting came from experience; it wasn’t as if he was some sort of Mr. Miyagi. Of course, all that wash on, wash off shit was probably made-up for theatrical purposes. “So, will all of this stuff really keep me from getting my butt handed to me?” Gabriel asked, cutting into Luke’s thoughts.

“Um, well, probably not at first.” Luke admitted, “But the point is more to do as much damage as you can, rather than to protect yourself. You kind of have to have field practice to keep from getting the shit beat out of you.”

“Oh,” said Gabriel, looking worried now.

“But, isn’t it better to get a lot beat up once than to get a little beat up constantly?” Luke said, hoping to assuage some of his fears.

“I guess.” Gabriel said, “Doesn’t mean I’m gonna like it.” Luke frowned,

“Yeah, it’ll suck, but it has to be done.”

“Really, I’m more worried about how my mother is going to react when I get suspended.” Luke cocked his head curiously,

“How will she react?” Gabriel bit his lip and looked at his feet,

“Never mind,” he mumbled. Luke frowned,

“C’mon, Gabriel. You can tell me,” he said and put his hand on Gabriel’s shoulder. Gabriel looked up, sparing a short glance at Luke’s hand. Luke could see a light pink color dusted across Gabriel’s cheeks, but whether it was from his touch or the conversation, Luke couldn’t tell.

“Well, it’s just that my mom’s sort of… overbearing. She’d probably try to sue the school or something.” Luke got the feeling that he wasn’t getting the whole story. He let his hand drop, brushing his fingertips lightly over Gabriel’s chest, as if by accident. Luke sat down and motioned for Gabriel to sit down next to him. When he did so, Luke said,

“It’s better than not caring about you at all.” Gabriel nodded,

“I know. It’s just that sometimes it can be so much pressure to live up to everything she thinks I should be. She’s always telling me how I shouldn’t be a watchmaker; that I should be President or something.” Luke fidgeted with his hands. That actually sounded like Gabriel’s mother might be a little loony. “I just feel like I’m not… special enough for her.”

“That does seem like it would be a lot of pressure. Why not just tell her to shove it?” Gabriel looked aghast,

“I couldn’t do that! She might…” Gabriel looked grave, “That just wouldn’t go over well. I wouldn’t want to upset her. I just pretend to agree with her.” Luke sat there, unsure of how to comfort Gabriel,

“As long as you’re happy with what you’ve done in life. That’s all that matters.” Gabriel looked up at him and smiled, but the smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. They were silent for a while, neither one sure of what to say to the other.

“What’s your mother like?” Gabriel asked, breaking the silence. Luke shifted, uncomfortable,

“I dunno. She’s your average mother, I guess,” Luke answered, not meeting Gabriel’s eyes.

“Oh,” Gabriel said, and looked back down at his hands. Luke swallowed, suddenly feeling guilty. He never had a problem lying before, but now, looking at his object of affection sitting so brokenly before him, Luke couldn’t help but feel sick to his stomach.

“I’m sorry,” Luke said, his voice barely a whisper. Gabriel looked surprised,

“For what?”

“I lied. My mother isn’t average. She sucks. She doesn’t really care about me. She just cares about the bad rep I give her with the other parents. She blames me for all of her problems. Which is bullshit, because I didn’t even cause most of them. ‘Course I did cause some of them, but I wouldn’t act this way if she took care of me. I think she hates me, which I guess is okay, ‘cause I hate her too.” The words came spilling out of him. He hadn’t really meant to admit so much. There I go again, Luke thought miserably, babbling because I’m nervous.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Gabriel asked.

“I didn’t want you to think that I was a freak or something.”

“Why would I think that?” Luke shrugged,

“I dunno. Everybody else does.” Gabriel bit his lip,

“Well, I’m not everybody else.” Luke grinned,

“No. No, I guess not.” And really, wasn’t that the point? Wasn’t that the main reason Luke even liked him in the first place? Because Gabriel wasn’t like everybody else. He was different, unique, special. Luke made a mental note not to forget that in the future.

Luke decided to try and keep his usual trouble making to a minimum from now on, since sneaking around was such a hassle. Also, it made Gabriel nervous. However, the teachers were skeptical of Luke’s sudden turn-around. They seemed to think that Luke was just building up for something big, and ended up being stricter with him than usual. Luke found it hard to care. He was used to the treatment and honestly, since he had nothing to hide, it was even less annoying than usual. During lunch, Luke took Gabriel outside to continue teaching him how to fight. Though, Gabriel didn’t get a chance to put his training to good use until five weeks later.

It was after school, and Luke and Gabriel were walking down to the buses together, when Gabriel was suddenly slammed up against the lockers. Luke whirled around, looking for the perpetrator. Nick was grinning down at Gabriel while he kept him pinned with a hand on his chest. Luke saw fear in Gabriel’s eyes and had to resist the urge pounce on Nick. Luke wanted Gabriel to do this for himself.

“You can thank your friend for this pounding,” Nick said, mirth lacing his voice. Gabriel bit his lip, took a deep breath, and slammed his fist into Nick’s nose. Gabriel dropped to the floor as Nick flew backwards, more from shock than force of impact. However, the point had still been made. Gabriel was through being pushed around. He clambered to his feet and balled his fists. Nick glowered, blood leaking from his nose, “Why, you liddle basdard.” Luke snorted at Nick’s speech, but Nick hardly paid him any mind. His attention was completely focused on his once docile prey. Luke noticed with satisfaction that a small crowd had gathered to watch the fight. Good, the more people that see that Gabe is done taking shit, the better, Luke thought.

Gabriel didn’t exactly win the fight, but he also didn’t lose quite so badly. Nick was going to have a couple souvenirs to remember Gabriel by, including a black eye. A passing teacher had ended the fight. Luke could tell that the teacher was surprised to see Gabriel was one of the participants and he couldn’t help smirking to himself. The teacher told Luke to go home, but Luke refused to leave Gabriel’s side and with an exasperated sigh, the teacher gave in, toting all three boys to the principal’s office. The principal was equally surprised to hear that Gabriel had been fighting,

“Honestly, what’s gotten in to you?” he asked, but then his eyes landed on Luke and his gaze hardened. He turned back to Nick and Gabriel, “I’ve called both of your mothers and explained to them the terms of your suspension. Now I trust you both can handle yourselves long enough to be picked up?” Both of them nodded, albeit unenthusiastically. “Good.” With that, the principal stalked off to his office in the next room over. Gabriel turned to Luke, misery etched on his face,

“Please go home,” he said. Luke frowned,


“I just… I don’t want you to meet her,” Gabriel’s voice was desperate. Luke figured he was talking about his mother. So did Nick,

“Aw, is the little nerd embarrassed by his momma?” Both Gabriel and Luke ignored him. Nick noticed this with a frown.

“C’mon, Gabe, you already told me all about her,” Luke said. Gabriel fidgeted,

“I might’ve… down-played it a little bit,” Gabriel admitted.

“Gabriel, it’s fine. I won’t do anything stupid. Besides, I want to stay here and make sure he doesn’t try anything,” Luke said with a nod towards Nick. Nick snorted,

“Like you could stop me,” he said, but didn’t make a move. Gabriel looked sick now. Luke patted Gabriel’s shoulder,

“It’s fine. Both of our moms are kinda fucked. So what? It’s not gonna change my opinion of you.” Nick laughed,

“What’re you two? Lovers?” But he was ignored again. Grumbling, he opted to look out the window.

“Luke, please. I-” It was at that moment that a wispy, almost sickly-looking woman entered the room. Gabriel looked at her in horror and Luke deduced that this must have been Mrs. Gray. She took one look around the room and descended upon Gabriel,

“Gabriel! My poor boy! Oh thank the Lord Almighty that he kept you safe!” she said, arms wrapped tightly around Gabriel. Gabriel tried to push her off, but she was having none of it. She refused to let go until she heard Nick sniggering. She spun around and growled, or as close to a growl as she could get, in his face, “And you! You’re a monster, you know! How dare touch a hair on my Gabriel’s head! He’s better than you, you know! Better than all of you!” Nick’s amused expression changed to a one of fear, realizing that something was off. Luke was regretting not listening to Gabriel now. He was beginning to wish he were home, which was saying a lot. Mrs. Gray continued, “I’ll have you know that I have half a mind to-”

“Virginia!” a male voice snapped. An older man had entered the room, looking very much out of breath. Virginia turned around, looking affronted. The man continued, “Didn’t I tell you not to run ahead of me? The principal said he was fine, so he’s fine!” he snarled.

“Dad?” Gabriel squeaked. The man turned on him.

“And you. You are in big trouble!” Gabriel sunk further into his chair, face bright red. The principal came out now,

“Ah. Mr. and Mrs. Gray. You can sign your son out in the attendance office.” His voice was pleasant enough, but Luke had dealt with enough people to recognize that nervous edge in his eyes. Mr. Gray left for the attendance office and Virginia turned back towards Gabriel, noticing Luke for the first time.

“You. Did you also hurt my boy?” she snarled and the principal flinched, “Two on one? Such cowards!” Luke shook his head vigorously,

“No! No, I’m his friend.” Virginia’s hostility suddenly disappeared and she smiled wide, gasping in what could only be pleasant surprise. She turned back towards Gabriel, “Oh, Gabriel! You made a friend! How lovely. Why didn’t you tell me? We’ll just have to invite him over of course! You could show him the snow globes!” Luke grunted in shock when Virginia embraced him. Her grip was deceptively strong and Luke found himself unable to breath until she let go. “Finally!” she said, beaming in Luke’s face. Luke gave a pained smile in return, “Finally someone sees just how special my Gabriel is.” She was quiet for a moment, seemingly reflecting on that statement, before speaking again, “You’re really very lucky, you know, to have a friend like Gabriel. He’s going to be someone someday. Maybe even President!” she said and got a far-away look in her eyes.

“Virginia!” Mr. Gray had returned, “C’mon! We’re leaving.” He walked over and grabbed Gabriel by the wrist and yanked him up. Gabriel yelped, the manhandling jostling his injuries. Luke wanted to protest, but even he knew better. Mr. Gray marched Gabriel out of the door and Virginia followed, but not before happily waving goodbye to Luke.

Luke and Nick shared a glance, their shock making them briefly forget that they were enemies. Luke shakily stood up and went to leave, but the principal stopped him, “I’d like to see you in my office, actually Luke.” Oh great, what does he want now? He thought. The principal sat down at his desk and motioned for Luke to take a seat across from him.

“I didn’t do anything,” Luke said.

“Actually, I’m pretty sure you did. I don’t think Gabriel would have been fighting without some sort of outside… influence. It’s my guess that you somehow convinced him to act up, just like yourself.”

“Act up!” Luke interrupted, “I just told him to defend himself!” The principal scowled,

“Violence is not the answer…” He started.

“He was getting beat up everyday! What was he supposed to do? Try and ‘talk it out?’” Luke scoffed, “Please.”

“He could have come to me.”

“Right. And what could you have done? Talked to Nick’s mommy? That would have just made it worse. Even if you went so far to expel Nick, there would always be someone to take his place. Dan. Brad. Any punk kid could see that Gabe had ‘victim’ plastered across his forehead. Besides, what happens after high school, huh? Gabriel couldn’t tattle on his antagonists for the rest of his life. He needed to learn how to show people that he won’t tolerate being fucked with. Otherwise, he’ll fail time in time again.” Just like I did, but Luke pushed that thought away. The principal sighed,
“Fine. Just go.”

character: gabriel gray, character: sylar, rating: nc17, character: luke campbell

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