"Petrelli Land" chapter 12, rated M, Peter/Claire

Jun 29, 2009 14:15

Title: Petrelli Land
Rating: R/M
Chapters: 13/17
Characters/Pairings: Peter/Claire, various pairings, ensemble
Warnings/Spoilers: AU and Canon Paire, Season One Spoilers, turns AU from "How to Stop an Exploding Man", will not follow Season Two storyline.
Notes/Disclaimer: This fic is inspired by the Marvel comic series, "House of M". The inspiration belongs to Marvel, and the Heroes characters belong to NBC and Tim Kring, but the story is entirely mine. The rating to this story has changed to R (M for FFnet) because of adult situations in this chapter and most likely in future chapters.
NEW Notes: I'm not abandoning this fic. I just got really busy. Four chapters left!

FFnet Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3735029/1/

Summary: After Peter encounters someone with a dangerous ability, his lack of control causes him to shift reality to the desire of others, where most are happy except one, who vows revenge. Paire.

Chapter Summary: Peter, Mohinder and Claire arrive at Matt and Audrey's to a gruesome reality, and Peter has no choice to reveal his new power to Claire, and use them to bring Sylar to them.

[ Previous Chapters]

( Petrelli Land - chapter 12 )

character: claire bennet, pairing: claire/peter, author: quirkysmuse, rating: r, character: peter petrelli

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