Title: Don't Tell Me Who I Am
Author: mateofangelus
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Summary: Post-Duel. Before Nathan speaks publicly about a "threat to society" he orders a quiet capture of his brother. Peter is a prisoner in Nathan's home. This story chronicles Peter's stay with Nathan, and his thoughts and feelings about himself, his life, his current situation and especially his relationship with his brother. Nathan attempts to convince Peter to join him and to stop Peter from becoming someone Nathan doesn't want him to be.
Warnings: Incest, explicit sex, some mature language, angst, mental issues
Author's Note: It's finally here. The first chapter of my Peter/Nathan centered story! A note about the timeline: Volume 1 ended November 8, 2006 and volume 2 began 4 months later, March 2007. Let's say those events take a month...that brings us to April for the beginning of Volume 3. That seemed to happen relatively quickly, so let's say it ends late April. Clear? Good. Also, thanks to my lovely beta
moonmaiden34 I couldn't have done it without you!
Chapter 1: June 2, 2007