Found You (2/?) Hiro/OFC

Jun 21, 2009 21:40


Chloe swam gradually out of unconsciousness.  The first thing she became aware of was a warm blanket hugging her body.  It was pulled up over her mouth and tickling her nose.  Secondly she heard what sounded like a fan and in the background a shuffling sound which  seemed to be coming from another room.  She stretched lazily, rubbing the palms of her hands over her eyes and wondering since when do I have a fan in my room?

In an instant the memories from the night before snapped into place in her drowsy brain.  The television program, the fight with her parents, the cold night air…and those police officers.  But where was she now?  She began taking in her surroundings.  The room was gray and drab but she was pretty sure she wasn’t in prison.  For one thing there were no metal bars anywhere, and she was lying on a couch.  In front of her sat a low coffee table with a few tattered old comic books splayed across its surface.  Hmm…so not in jail.

A sudden movement in the next room caused Chloe’s head to snap up and her eyes to grow wide.  Who was here with her?  Were they a danger?  Where was this place?  With these questions zooming through her mind like paper airplanes Chloe took a deep breath and closed her eyes.  A look of deep concentration washed over her face and she stretched her hands out into the air around her as if she were feeling around for something.  She felt…pain, a sense of loss and also one of responsibility.  Whoever it was in the next room they were not feeling any dangerous emotions…not yet at least.  Chloe reopened her eyes but did not feel any better or more certain about her situation than before.  This is the point where I’m supposed to start coming up with a plan, right?

The object of Chloe’s momentary fear and panic walked into the room before she had the chance to fail miserably at hatching an escape plan.  He took long, purposeful strides and he held himself with confidence, yet he seemed guarded.  Chloe swallowed a lump in her throat as the man came to stand before her.  He looked like a ninja.  Or a samurai.  Whatever he was he looked dangerous and mean and scary!  His cold expression didn’t help matters either.

Before Chloe could continue her inspection of his menacing appearance the man spoke.

“My name is Hiro Nakamura.  I am the one who saved you from those police officers last night,” Hiro began.  “Who are you?  And why were they after you?”

With that last question Hiro took a small but detectably aggressive step towards her.  Chloe quaked and could only reply, “My…my n-name is Chloe.  Chloe Mills.”

“You should not have been out last night after curfew, Chloe Mills.  It is a dangerous time.”

Seeming to regain some of her sense, Chloe replied, “Oh!  I know!  It’s just…well, I didn’t have a home to…go home to.”

Hiro stood in silence for a moment before Chloe suddenly burst out, “I’m sorry, are you a good guy?  I mean I’m not in trouble am I? You saved me right?”

Hiro’s gaze softened almost imperceptibly as he noticed the nervous wreck the girl had become. “Do not worry, Chloe Mills, I won’t hurt you.  I only wish to help others who are like me.  Other people with abilities…do you have an ability, Chloe?”

A look of pain took over Chloe’s features as she contemplated the answer to that question.  She did have an ability and that’s what had gotten her into this mess.  She bowed her head and stared intently at her hands which had twisted themselves around each other.

“Yes, I have an ability,” Chloe said in a small voice.  “L-last night I was watching T.V. with my aunt and uncle and this news report came on.  It was a notice about outstanding criminals.  My face was on that report, Hiro!  They said I was to be considered extremely dangerous!  My aunt and uncle threw me out.  They said they didn’t want any trouble because of me.”

“What about your parents?” Hiro asked.

“They’re dead,” she replied in a hollow voice.

Neither of them spoke for a full minute before Hiro finally asked, “So what is your ability?”

“I can…sense people’s emotions, I guess.  It’s really kind of useless; I mean what am I supposed to do with that?  Some evolutionary imperative.  I’m certainly not dangerous!”

Hiro spoke and his words almost sounded like those of the man he had once been before all of this, “Each of us has our own purpose, our own destiny.  Your gift has a use, perhaps you have not found it yet.”

Chloe gave a shy smile before asking, “So…what do we do now?  I’m a wanted criminal now…”

“I will try and find a safe place for you with one of my contacts.  You can’t stay here, I’m too busy and my business is too dangerous.  You’ll never have a normal life, now, Chloe.  But I’ll try to keep you safe.”

Chloe answered sadly, “Thank you, Hiro.”

character: ofc, rating: pg13, character: hiro nakamura

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