Found You (1/?) Hiro/OFC

Jun 21, 2009 14:16

Title:  Found You (1/?)
Word count:  630
Rating:  PG-13 (for now)
Pairings:  Hiro/OFC
Warnings:  AU, based on the future from "Five Years Gone" (1.20)
Summary:  Hiro spends his days trying to fix the past and his nights trying to help those like him.  One night he saves a girl named Chloe from capture.  A relationship ensues...
A/N:  Obviously the time line is very difficult to keep straight so forgive me if I mention something that future Hiro hasn't done the past....ugh!

In the night the darkened city streets beckoned the restless and the wretched out from their holes, despite the ten o’clock curfew.  Men with guns who called themselves peace keepers prowled these streets trying to sniff out the gifted people who had been marked as criminals and terrorists.  Many had been imprisoned by now in a facility on the outskirts of the city.  Those who remained out of jail were never truly free.  They could not walk through a crowded marketplace without glancing over their shoulders in fear.  They could not venture into the night without fear of capture.  Most were smart enough to stay indoors after sunset.  The few who didn’t were either stupid or noble.  Or both.

Hiro Nakamura crept quietly down a darkened alley toward the main street at its end.  His silky dark hair was slicked back into a tight pony tail which gave him a slightly menacing appearance.  That was how he liked it.  He wore black clothing and carried a samurai sword that glinted slightly in the light of the street lamp he was approaching.  All his senses were sharpened and ready for battle.

Beneath the street lamp two police officers circled a young woman predatorily.  Her shoulder length blond hair flew around her face as she attempted to keep both men in her sights, whipping her head back and forth.  Hiro could not yet hear what was being said but one of the men barked out a sound that might have been laughter in another lifetime.  When the other police office reached out an arm to roughtly grab the girl by the elbow Hiro made his move.

Without a sound to warn of his attack he swept out from the alley way and raised his sword high above his head.  He reached the first man, the one who had laughed, and swung the blade down making contact with his throat.  The blond girl’s eyes went wide in shock and fear as she watched blood spray out from the man’s wound.  Her body froze in shock and the second officer took that opportunity to taze her.  As her body crumpled to the cement Hiro charged his second target.  The man barely had time to react before Hiro’s blade cut him down.

He bent down over the body of the second officer and wiped off the blood from his sword on the man’s pants.  As he rose his eyes fell upon the girl he’d just saved.  Was she special?  Or had she just been in the wrong place at the wrong time?  Hiro knew a lot about that.  Either way he could not leave her out here alone, unconscious with the bodies of two dead cops nearby.  He stooped down and picked the girl up, cradling her like a baby in his arms.  The girl was tiny, she probably stood at only around five feet tall, and Hiro had no trouble carrying her back to Isaac’s loft.

Once Hiro reached the loft he brought her inside and moved to one of the back rooms where he had set up a makeshift living room.  Not that Hiro really had much time for leisure.  He placed her gently on the couch and stood over her, taking in her appearance for the first time.  Her blond hair fanned out around her face which was slightly flushed.  She was small but not frail looking.  She wore faded jeans and a pink button down shirt.  It would be at least a few hours until she woke up but Hiro did not feel comfortable leaving her alone.  He turned from her, deciding to spend the rest of the evening working on his timeline.  This was an activity usually reserved for daytime when his status as a wanted terrorist confined him indoors.

rating: pg13, character: hiro nakamura, character: oc

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