Fic : Dining on Ashes // Chapter Twenty Three

Jun 08, 2009 16:25

Title: Dining On Ashes, Chapter Twenty Three
Author: fallxandxdivide
Characters: Sylar, OCs
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: AU, deaths
Word Count: 3, 549 words
Disclaimer: Sylar is not mine and seems to be avoiding the brain traps I've been laying out for him. Everyone else is mine.
Summary: After the events of Villains, Sylar finds himself working, yet again, for a company. Just when he thinks that things might be different, he is sent on an assignment. Killings, he can handle, robberies, no problem, but, when he's asked to protect a woman and bring her safely back to the Corporation, he might have met his match.
A/N: This takes place after Villains. The story is several chapters long (about 20-30) and will be a Sylar/OC fic.

here @ my fanfiction journal

If you have missed a chapter or wish to catch up, you can do so by referring to the chapter list.

character: ofc, character: sylar, author: fallxandxdivide, rating: nc17

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