. ipod music/fic meme (multifandom) .

May 31, 2009 16:56

so i just wanted to introduce myself, since i've been already posting  sylaire fic without even saying hi to anyone here in my brand new fandom full of shiny. i'm sorry, i get so distracted by sylar sometimes, where has my mind gone again?

so anyway, i did  a short version of the ipod music/fic meme and threw in some sylelle, sylaire & paire if you are interested. both are about 150 words, so they're not even technically drabbles. also, it's technically a multfandom post, so if bandom or rpf is squicky/not you thing/unethical, just pretend the other three don't exist, yeah?

follow the fake cut onward to the pretties

pairing: claire/peter, pairing: claire/sylar, pairing: elle/sylar

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