Memories 2/?, PG-13, Nathan, OC

May 13, 2009 08:14

Title: Memories 2/?

Author: Godiloveslash

Fandoms: Heroes/Dollhouse with a touch of Profit later on

Pairings: Nathan/OC, Nathan/Peter implied, Nathan/Paul, Alpha/Echo, Nathan/Echo, Alpha/Nathan

Warnings: Spoilers for both shows, in particular, spoilers for the season three finale of Heroes, non con implied, violence mentioned

Rating: PG-13 for now but it may rise

Disclaimer: No one from either show belongs to me darn it, if they did Dollhouse would run forever and Bryan Fuller would have full control over Heroes. Kyle is also not mine; my lovely Kris who has allowed me to play in her sand box, created him

Summary: What if Angela had made a different choice that day in the hotel

Author’s Note: I am not really happy with the ending of this chapter really, but it's the way it flowed so I went with it. Please leave feedback I really want to know what you guys think.

author: godiloveslash, rating: pg13, !crossover

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