The remaining fics and ficlets I wrote for the YAHAKM (except for the one I will not admit to writing, heh.)
Title: Teacher's Pet
tiptoe39Pairing: Peter/Mohinder
Rating: NC-17 for doggie breath
Summary: Prompt was something akin to "Peter is a student who wants some extra credit from Professor Suresh."
I think someone must have told him he was a teacher's pet early on in life, and he took it literally. Title:Realization
tiptoe39Pairing: Matt/Mohinder
Rating: NC-17 for injections of reality
Summary: The prompt was something along the lines of "Mohinder is sick of Matt mooning over Daphne and shows him how he really feels."
"You'd known her what, a day before you decided she was your dream come true?" Title: Under the Bleachers
tiptoe39Pairing: Peter/Mohinder
Rating: NC-17 for barely legal.
Summary: The prompt was something like "Highschool AU, Mohinder is the new kid."
Mohinder's the most beautiful thing Peter's ever seen, and that includes Simone, Caitlin, and Professor Monroe all put together. Title: Silk Scarves and Mirrors
tiptoe39Pairing: Peter/Nathan
Rating: NC-17 for secret agents
Summary: The prompt was something like "Senator!Nathan, Whore!Peter, silk scarves, mirrors.
Damn, but this one is good. The agency's outdone itself. Title: Masks
tiptoe39Pairing: Matt/Peter
Rating: NC-17 for things done in dark rooms.
Summary: Long prompt along the lines of "Matt cop, Peter nurse, they've had a fling before, Peter remembers. Meet in courthouse bathroom."
When you're a cop, anything short of apple pie and Grandma is cause to review every collar you ever made.