A Second Chance; The Unexpected

Mar 16, 2009 09:31

Title: A Second Chance
Characters: Peter/Mohinder
Word Count: 354
Rating: PG
Spoilers: through the end of season 1
Summary: Peter thinks his fling with Mohinder has ended before it even began. Takes place before Mohinder Suresh and the Quest for the Cure, though I think it can be read on its own merit too, as long as you keep in mind that this is an AU set in the 1930s in which Mohinder is a lot like Indiana Jones.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the words.
A/N: Written for miss_miso, whom I have sorely neglected when it comes to answering Mohindiana prompts. My deepest apologies. This is for the pre-fic Peter/Mohinder prompt. :)

( Peter doesn’t see Mohinder the day afterwards. )


Title: The Unexpected
Characters: Audrey, Matt, Mohinder, Peter
Word Count: 513
Rating: G
Spoilers: through the end of season 1
Summary: Agents Hanson and Parkman have unexpected visitors. Takes place after Mohinder Suresh and the Quest for the Cure, though I think it can be read on its own merit too, as long as you keep in mind that this is an AU set in the 1930s in which Mohinder is a lot like Indiana Jones.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the words.
A/N: Written for miss_miso, whom I have sorely neglected when it comes to answering Mohindiana prompts. My deepest apologies. This answers the prompt for more Matt and Audrey as well as for post-fic stuff. :)

( The door opens, and Parkman pokes his head inside. “We have visitors,” he says. )

character: peter petrelli, pairing: mohinder/peter, author: takethesky87, character: audrey hanson, rating: g, rating: pg, character: matt parkman, character: mohinder suresh

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