Chords Of What I've Left Behind, PG-13

Feb 16, 2009 00:00

Title: Chords Of What I've Left Behind.
Character/Pairing: gen with past Nathan/Niki(Jessica), Nathan/Meredith, Elle/Adam, Elle/Gabriel, one sided Elle/Peter annnd Peter/Claire hinted at. *phew*
Word count: ~10,000
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Entirely AU, but spoilers up to season three.
Summary: Nathan, not a Petrelli, but just as much of a mess. His father gripped his shoulders as Adam pressed his hand to the glass, smiled and Nathan tried to take a step back. He said, “You'll never be special, but with work, you can be successful.”
Disclaimer: Hi, not mine, thanks.
Author Notes: So, yeah, this is weird in every respect; weird AU, weird structure, and I fully blame twistdmentality for encouraging me to keep writing it. I've broken it into two posts just to make it less of a slog. I should really get back to RL now.

character: nathan petrelli, character: elle bishop, character: bob bishop, author: boombangbing, rating: pg

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